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You need dashboards for human resources, managing operations, recruiting sales, information technology, project management, customer relationship management, and the list could go on. If you find yourself in any of these fields, you have probably already felt the need to have your admin functions put together in a friendly interface.

Soft UI Dashboard is a superb free and open-source admin template for Bootstrap 5. It is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. This Dashboard is coming with prebuilt design blocks, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

Vision UI Dashboard React is a free Material UI admin template designed for those who like modern UI elements. It contains 70+ fully coded elements and 7 example pages that will help you speed up your development!

Vision UI Dashboard Chakra is our newest and free Chakra UI admin template based on React. It contains 70+ fully coded elements and 6 example pages that will help you speed up your development. Start your Development with an Innovative Admin now!

Soft UI Dashboard React is an innovative Admin Template for MUI and React. It contains 70+ fully coded elements and 8 example pages. Every page is spaced well, with attractive layouts and pleasing shapes. Soft UI Dashboard React has everything you need to quickly set up an amazing project.

Vue Notus is an awesome, free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin. It is built with over frontend 100 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. This Free Tailwind CSS and VueJS Template comes with prebuilt examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

BootstrapVue Argon Dashboard is a beautiful admin template for BootstrapVue and Vue.js. It is open source, free and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites. Using our dashboard, you will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code, because all elements are implemented. BootstrapVue Argon Dashboard comes with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless; switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

Start your development with a Dashboard for React, React Hooks, Create React App, and Material-UI. Argon Dashboard Material-UI is open-source, free, and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites. This Dashboard is coming with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done. Every element has multiple states for colors, styles, hover, focus, that you can easily access and use.

Volt React is a free and open-source admin dashboard template powered by React.js and Bootstrap 5 featuring over 100 UI elements, customized plugins, and example pages to kickstart your single page web application.

Volt is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS. It is built using the latest version of Bootstrap 5 and because jQuery is no longer required as a dependency, Volt has been built using only Vanilla JS.

AdminKit is a professional Admin Template based on Bootstrap that comes with hundreds of UI components, forms, tables, charts, pages, and icons. AdminKit helps you to create your next Bootstrap even faster than before. It can be used to create a Saas based interface, administrator dashboard, or anything you want to build on the web. AdminKit helps your team moving faster and saving development costs.

Light Bootstrap Dashboard is a Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs.

SB Admin is free to download Bootstrap admin template. This template uses the default Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins to create a powerful framework for creating admin panels, web apps, or back-end dashboards.

Ngx-admin (made by Akveo) is a well-known free and Open-Source admin dashboard (20 000 Github stars) built on Angular 9 and supporting Nebular, Bootstrap, Material, and Eva Design System. It provides six themes, including 2 Material dashboards, and 100 + of handcrafted UI components, tables, maps, charts, etc. to work with. Ngx-admin is fully responsive and, unlike many competitors, allows for backend integration (PHP, Java, .NET Core, etc.). Here you can check the free open source .net backend integration.

React Material Admin is a free react dashboard template built with the Material-UI framework. It is jQuery and Bootstrap free. There are dozens of components and three color themes that will help to start any web applications like E-commerce admin dashboard, SaaS, CRM, Project Management tool, or any other type of web app. React Material Admin built with help React 16, React Hooks and React Router. Inside the free version, you can find such components as Charts, Basic dashboards, Basic Tables, Notification bar, Typography, and Icons.

Light Bootstrap Dashboard Laravel is designed to be clean and simple. We only included components that you actually need in an admin dashboard, without compromising flexibility. The dashboard gives you the freedom of picking and combining elements to create lightweight, yet powerful admin panels for your custom applications.

EverShop is an open-source Node ecommerce platform that helps developers developing their e-commerce store. Based on a module system, EverShop is a flexible with both admin panel and front store are extensible.

React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. EverShop implements server-side rendering of React components with hydration to provide a fast, performant experience and SEO optimization.

Corona is a sleek and dark admin dashboard from BootstrapDash that is super easy to customize and set up. The free version comes with a rich set of features that you can use on the go, and if you need more functionalities, there is also a full version that includes everything you need to take your product to the next level.

Volt React is an open-source admin dashboard template built in React.js and based on the latest version of the Bootstrap 5 CSS framework. It highlights over 100 elements, and the library has been built using a data-driven methodology, meaning that a large part of data is transferred to the components as an array of objects.

Azia is yet another incredible admin template packed with a lot of components, UI elements, and built-in sample pages. This product comes with all the pieces that fit your needs but are not cramped with segments you would never use. This result is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS, or CRM.

Presenting your product with Connect Plus React Free is an ideal pick if you're looking for a jump-starting starter template for your next project. Although this product has a design like none other it comes with a clean and well-commented code that makes it easy to work with partners and colleagues collaboratively.

Data visualization and representation is often a hard and daunting task, but with Star Admin React you can get a powerful admin template with various tables, maps, apps, and more essential elements out of the box. This product offers unlimited customization options and allows the addition of unique touches to make the design unique.

Materially provides you with all possible app pages and ingredients to serve any application requirement with minimum configuration. This product appears with multiple choices for widgets, chart icons, and many more features assembled with a meaningful code structure, and pleasant layout structure.

Datta Able Admin Template comes with a tremendous selection of pre-designed parts that you can easily adapt to any screen size. The code structure is highly flexible to use and modify, and the concept of the dashboard is very elegant eye catchy for modern endeavors. So, If you are looking for advanced settings, Datta Able is one most intriguing resources of this kind in the current market.

If you have a project that needs several peculiarities and options, AdminPro Lite is the perfect React admin template to assists you along the process. This resource includes lots of useful tools to create nice and beautiful admin panels without reducing effectiveness and development abilities due to different front-end technologies that interact together.

MatX is a feature-packed yet simple codebase React admin dashboard template. The free version of this glorious product includes pre-built Material UI components, Code splitting, SASS integrations, and last but not least it offers multiple possibilities to build web and mobile front-ends for management systems, project management, CMS, CRM, and more.

Devias Kit is a conscious material design admin dashboard organized particularly for React developers using Google Material Design for possible interactions, responsive layout grids, Shaping hierarchy, and more. This template grows prepared with intuitive catalogs and files so that you can have anything you need to kickstart awesome panels with custom buttons and with an additional fullscreen switch. e24fc04721

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