Recently I got a Smartflip from At&t. Everything except the appstore works fine right out of the box. It refuses to load and gets stuck for hours on end. I've tried trouble shooting with multiple help desks and nothing has worked.

My question is, are there any websites where KaiOs apps are available for download outside of the appstore? I did a quick google search but found nothing. I think that KaiOs is an android OS but I'm not sure if apks would work with it, or even how to load them into the phone besides maybe dragging and dropping them into a specific folder.

Jio App Store Download For Kaios

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Just got one today from an actual phone store. The phone works perfectly fine. Whatsapp, youtube, facebook and hotspot all of it works. Its just missing the store. It doesn't have any other indicators that its fake. Honestly im fine with that I just wanted to install telegram but did I get a really good fake or is it a new kaios thing.

When I try to open the KaiOS store to look for more apps, it loads to 99% and simply never loads fully. I've already tried rebooting without sim and then with, as well as registering and signing into a KaiOS account with my email.

I encountered the same problem. The solution I found is to use the web browser to access the KaiOS website, which has an app store section. If you click on one of these apps on the website, it will pull up a page with a button to take you to the KaiOS Store app. This should get you into the store itself, which you can then navigate normally.

The Data Store API provides a powerful, flexible storage mechanism for KaiOS applications to use to store and share data. It is basically an intermediary store to allow multiple applications to share data between one another quickly, efficiently, and securely, in spite of differences between API data structures, formats, etc.Data Store API concepts and usage

The Data Store API was created to allow multiple KaiOS apps, with potentially different data structures and storage mechanisms, to create, maintain and share the same data objects efficiently between one another. Each app can then import the data into its own local IndexedDB to index according to their specific query needs. This is not necessary however, and you can just write directly to the Data Store API data store.

When an app wants to access a datastore, it has to call Navigator.getDataStores(); The result value of this method is a Promise object that will resolve with an array of DataStore objects. From these DataStore objects, the app can read and modify values using various methods of the DataStore such as DataStore.get() and DataStore.insert().

You can include multiple properties to represent different data stores, and each one can use readonly/readwrite to specify whether the data store can be read/modified by other applications. A description is also included to describe the purpose of the data store.

Without this field being specified, the default behavior is "no access". Again, multiple properties can be included if you want to access multiple data stores, and an access of readonly or readwrite can be set to declare what access type is needed by the app.

Note: Be aware that to test data store examples you need to make sure your apps are internal/certified (see above for manifest fields needed), and use App Manager or WebIDE to simulate an environment where a internal/certified app can be run. Follow these links to find out how to do this using each tool: App Manager: Debugging Certified Apps and WebIDE: Debugging Certified Apps.

Hello. My Alcatel 3088X with KaiOS version cannot open the KaiOS store because of a "connexion error". It also is stuck at the step of agreeing the Whatsapp terms of service and hence the app cannot be used. Rest of the apps work perfectly. I have already tried rebooting the device with factory settings or inserting a SIM card (as I saw other posts suggested for some problems). There is no software update available.

A concern is if we invest in making some great games for the platform how will our games get visibility? How are games picked for promotion on the platform? Are higher quality games promoted over low quality? Currently the platform seems to have a bad reputation game quality wise for having low quality stock HTML5 games dumped on it. Even if there are some high quality games I could not find any obvious stand outs that I would not find on a generic low effort HTML5 game portal by browsing the web version of their app store.

An understandable concern, but with a small amount of games in the store it is probably easy for high quality games to get recognition. And having a close collaboration with the people at KaiOS will help as well.

1: Is it safe? I can't live without my phone! 2: How do i install? I'm a complete noob to this. 3: Can i make a app for the store? If so, what's the easiest way? 4: Any Tips or better/safer alternative stores, or other stores i should also look at?

However, I dont have the JioStore app installed and if I try to open KaiOS store app I receved the same error. I checked for OS updates in the settings but nothing. I am unable to use any app except the camera and setting ones. What is going on?

In short, don't buy a TCL flip!! I bought one to help curb my smartphone addiction but the results were terrible. The TCL flip doesn't run kaios, it runs aosp.. and by default it doesn't let you install 3rd party apps and has no app store.. this is retarded on TCL's part because it makes having a quad core CPU, 4g, and wifi completely pointless.

I used the method on this forum (neutron.img) to enable pushing apps from adb and it was still terrible! Unlike kaios the apps aren't designed to run on a small screen without touch so trying to start a new convo on Whatsapp means using the buttons to scroll past a billion convos.

This is just an example, ofc I'm not saying that all feature phones should use kaios, but there's no benefit to owning this phone over my bb q10 from 15 years ago. In fact the q10 is much more useful. I didn't need a full blown play store, I have my S22 Ultra for that, but without WhatsApp and Google maps (less importantly) I simply couldn't work. As such, this phone is E-waste and strongly unrecommended by me.

On the other end is some great android-based phones that can do all phone stuff just fine, but struggle to run apps, which they were not intended to do. Great. But for the target demographic that's perfect. I know an older person that bought the TCL flip from Verizon (different model) It runs KaiOS. The man does not store contacts or send texts. After a few months of simply making calls, the phone would not allow any more phone calls because "memory full". I deleted every possible thing from the phone (recent calls) to no avail. The only thing that fixed it was a full reset. This is an older person that simply wants a phone to dial numbers. And I had to reset for him EVERY 2 months!! KaiOS is broken

Sorry for the rant, but it's really directed at manufacturers- give the customers what they want -basic useable phones. Apps is a BONUS, but basic functionality comes FIRST. You can't make a terrible trash phone just so you can advertise that it has Facebook, WhatsApp, and snake!

The KaiStore is maintained by KaiOS, and once a new app is released, you can install it immediately. To learn more about the applications currently available in the KaiStore, please visit: -the-apps-available-on-kaios/

KaiOS has announced that the KaiStore has received an update which allows users to search for apps and allows the app store to update itself automatically. According to KaiOS, there are now more than 700 apps available on the KaiStore so the company decided to add search functionality to the store so that users can find software more easily.

I would like to know if anyone knows how to play DOOM on a phone of keys because I see that they install it from KaiOS, my phone has KaiOs operating system but does not have the store, it is a blu mega tank phone, someone who can help me how I can download it without needing the store, since the phone does not have a browser, so I don't have to throw away my phone.

Welcome to Doomworld!

First of all that's the first time I've seen that phone or heard of KaiOS in my life. However, doing some research, the concensus appears to be that if it claims to be KaiOS but is missing the store and web browser, it's counterfeit. 

From biminhc1

Recently, there have been lots of KaiOS devices, like the Nokia 8110 4G, the Nokia 2720 Flip and the Nokia 6300 4G, that are sold on numerous tech stores and online sites for amazingly cheap prices. However, most of them turned out to be fake and did not bring the experiences that people expected, and the store got away with it as you wouldn't be able to get a refund.

As for the topic at hand though I think a KaiOS port would be very interesting. These KaiOS feature phones have much more power than the J2ME/BREW/Symbian flip-phones of yesteryear (yesterdecade?), but are still weak enough that it might present an interesting challenge. KaiOS seems to be a propietary platform, but it does seem you can install applications externally without the app store.

kaiOS is a fork of Boot2Gecko, mostly known as FirefoxOS, a web-based OS created in 2013 that was discontinued by Mozilla in 2016. It only supports web apps, not exactly PWAs, but close enough. Apps can only be installed from the kaiOS store (or Jio Store for JioPhones)

If you need access to some hardware APIs (typically non-standard as they are based on old B2G APIs) you can access special certification from the store QA team. List of available Web APIs is not so clear. Docs sometimes send you to deprecated MDN docs from old B2G.

Wikipedia for KAIOS is a Wikipedia reading app for smart feature phones that the Inuka team started developing in 2019 to avail Wikipedia content on 4G smart, feature phones, and bridge the digital divide through worldwide readership across many parts of emerging markets, specifically India.We released in 2 versions - 1) for India (due to a separate app store and device variations), 2) for rest of the world e24fc04721

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