Our Story

Ecofale limited has been providing professional consultancy services to clients small and large located within Auckland and beyond. From environmental consulting to asbestos surveying and then onto removal scoping, we provide strategic planning and innovative solutions that best suit you. Our aim is always on building an efficient and results-driven relationship. We will work with you to create a customized plan of action for yourself or your organization and be with you every step of the way that is also in accordance with the Health and Safety at Works (Asbestos) 2016.


Aotearoa (New Zealand) are affected by various health issues. Creating a safe environment for the people and community by providing an environmental hazard, expert advice and reasonably practicable recommendations. 

Our Values

Our name is derived from two key words. Firstly "Eco", our company aims to create a safe or eco-friendly environment for our people and communities. Second part of the name "Fale", a common word within our Māori and Pacific that translates to home or house. Our aim at Ecofale is to create a safer or better environment for our people and communities starting from home and then on to our second home which is our workplace, school, mares and churches.


We service Auckland and the wider north island. Future plans are to help spread awareness of environmental hazards present within our homes and workplaces. We are currently providing awareness training with churches, schools and communities within New Zealand, with the next step being the pacific. If you would like to discuss this further, please do contact me directly.