Welcome to the Performance and Art page on my site! 

Check out the performances, talks, and digital works with spoken word. Thank you for visiting! Here's the tea in poetry...

Interview & Reading

As part of the Prairie People's Poetry Project, eco shares their perspective and powerful performance of Prairie People poetry.

Multidisciplinary Poetry & Movement

Fast Flowing Rivers is the sixth of the streams from International Dance Week with Free Flow Dance Theatre, originally live-streamed on April 30th, 2021. 

Choreographer and Dancer: Kyle Syverson

Spoken Word: ecoaborijanelle

Sound Advice: Miki Mappin 

Storytelling @ TedXyyc 2017

"In this heartfelt talk, Janelle shares her story of the struggles faced by Indigenous women in Canada. As the country celebrates its 150th anniversary, Janelle brings attention to the fact that the reconciliation of the colonial past is a journey that has only just begun."

ecoaborijanelle performance work:


YouTube Performance Videos and Interviews

"10 Reasons to Save Rez Dogs"

Poem by ecoaborijanelle

"Land-Based and Participatory Experiences," A Spoken Word Poem by ecoaborijanelle

"I Hold the Sun," a Poem by ecoaborijanelle

"Can't say the City Sounds Are Normal Any More"

Other Digital Works by ecoaborijanelle

pipon, winter she hears me speaks back in the way of lessons she sits in frosted window sills and you can feel it in your blessings winter is time for reflection speak truthfully speak boldly their arms on shoulders.mp4
Wehcekan nipî
You are no less nehîyaw than