The download will be delivered as a compressed (i.e. a ".zip", or ".tar.gz") file. Decompress this file into the directory of your choice (e.g. "c:\eclipse" on Windows) and ensure you have full Read and Execute permissions. You can optionally create a shortcut of the executable file ("eclipse.exe" on Windows, or "eclipse" on Linux).

If you've "installed" Eclipse but are having trouble getting it to run, the most likely cause is that you have not correctly specified the JVM for it to run under. You may need to edit the eclipse.ini file.

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Another common mistake on Microsoft Windows is a mismatch between the "bittedness" of Eclipse and the JVM/JDK. This is the most frequent cause of an Error 13. 64-bit Eclipse requires a 64-bit JVM, and 32-bit Eclipse requires 32-bit JVM--you can not mix-and-match between 32-bit and 64-bit, so make sure the version of Eclipse you installed matches the JVM/JDK that you're using to run it (and make sure you're using eclipse.ini to specify the exact JVM used to run Eclipse, described above).

As a simple test, open a Command Prompt window, move to the directory that is pointed to by the -vm argument in your eclipse.ini, and run the intended java.exe with the -d32 switch to test if it supports 32-bit, or -d64 to test for 64-bit support. It's often simplest to download a version of Eclipse that will work with whatever Java you already have installed.

For example, I have my JAVA_HOME set to a jre for Java 1.6. It's still not clear to me how Eclipse uses this, but it appears to be defaulting to this and not taking the project overrides. I have also installed Java 1.5, and added a JRE for this in eclipse in the Java->Installed JREs section.

According to Lee Nackman, Chief Technology Officer of IBM's Rational division (originating in 2003) at that time, the name "Eclipse" (dating from at least 2001) was not a wordplay on Sun Microsystems, as the product's primary competition at the time of naming was Microsoft Visual Studio, which Eclipse was to eclipse.[21]

If you want to check if your -vm eclipse.ini option worked correctly you can use this to see under what JVM the IDE itself runs: menu Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details > Configuration tab. Locate the line that says: java.runtime.version=....

The one the eclipse run in is the default java installed in the system (unless set specifically in the eclipse.ini file, use the -vm option). You can of course add more Java runtimes and use them for your projects

To find out the version of java that your eclipse project is using, see Project->properties->build path->Libraries tab and see the JRE system library thats being used. You can also check it out at Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs. This is a list of all JREs that eclipse knows about

I'm trying to generate an eclipse .project and .cproject from an existing cmake file. Running cmake from the project root I tried adding to the root CMakeLists.txtset(CMAKE_ECLIPSE_VERSION=4.2) which apparently might do nothing as it is a local variable, not the global env variable, if i understand correctly.

Is Eclipse MarketPlace is giving trouble, probably because of SSL certificate issue in java cacert or anything, you can do offline installation. I downloaded the zip file from testng github page /testng-team/testng-eclipse, get the folders features and plugins, and put it inside eclipse installation directory/dropins folder

"Unable to read repository at //

Certificate for doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: [, *,, *,, *,]"

Unable to read repository at "" PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I am trying to install TestNG. The sites beust and are not found and returns a 404. Tried downloading from TestNG page on Eclipse Market Place, but when tried to run the testNG program its showing error as its not compatible with eclipse 2020-12 version. Any other ideas from where to download testNG version which will work on eclipse 2020-12 #TestNG?

Hi, I tried installing TestnG from eclipse market place for Version: 2020-06 (4.16.0). But it shows TestNG version is not comaptible with this version of Eclipse.Even i tried using locations mentioned in previous posts.But shows same error couldn't find the file on these locations.Can anyone tell me which version of eclipse i should download or is there any workaround for this version?

for the link.... someone replied to my post and it worked for me "". Copy/Paste that in address bar without double quotes. Then click on "zipped", then click on latest version and click on next link in the next page.

Our team found that TestNG plugin is not available to be installed in eclipse. Team tried from both the options available in Help like Market place and New Software installation through "". Even beust site is not responding on either private or Public network.

To install some or all of the Eclipse tools, get an installation compatible with the desired tools and use the respective software site URL in the Help > Install New Software wizard. Based on the version of your eclipse:

I created a new eclipse modular java project.



Created JUnit 5 test case, which it added the Eclipse JUnit 5 library.

Running the test worked fine.

I then converted it to a gradle project. Created a build.gradle, removed the project from Eclipse and imported it again using Gradle Buildship. Now the JUnit test case will not run.

The tooling is matched to the JDT version you have installed. Therefore, it is best to disable any update sites that will update your eclipse release. Go to Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites and uncheck any entry named "Latest Eclipse ... Release".


I have a simple question,

But it's incredibly difficult to find out an answer trough the caos of IBM sites and info fragmentation along articles, wikis, technotes, ...

Which version of rtc plug-in supports a eclipse juno 4.2.2?

As far as I know you can install a 5.0.1 from a p2 repo, without any problem

Can I install a 6.0.2 into the same eclipse (juno 4.2.2) base?

Is there, at any place, something similar to a table relating eclipse versions and plug in versions?

something like that,

Client and server version compatibility: -dev/clm/topic/

Furthermore, I don't find anymore p2 repositories at any page of releases


I have an old eclipse version already installed on my laptop, I installed neo from the official website. now I have two concurrent versions of eclipse. I want to launch the last version when I click on the desktop graphical shortpath. Yet this lunch the oldest one.

However, it's possible that if you remove the package you will no loger "need" Java installed, which will cause it to auto uninstall that packege. So you should remove the eclipse package and then manually install whatever JDK you are using, like this:

Please get involved. Just as importantly, if you are a developer involved in the Eclipse community and ecosystem, encourage your colleagues in the legal department to get involved. The discussions are happening on the mail list (subscription required). The most recent public drafts of the EPLv2 can be found here.

"The "MortBay / Eclipse Jetty" version on the remote host has reached the end of life. CPE: cpe:/a:eclipse:jetty: Installed version: Location/URL: 6143/tcp EOL version: 9.3 EOL date: 2020-12-31"

Activiti development can be done with the IDE of your choice. If you would like to use the Activiti Designer then you need Eclipse Kepler or Luna.Download the eclipse distribution of your choice from the Eclipse download page. Unzip the downloaded file and then you should be able to start it with the eclipse file in the directory eclipse.Further in this user guide, there is a section on installing our eclipse designer plugin.

The Activiti project is generated as a Maven project. To configure the dependencies you need to run mvn eclipse:eclipse and the Maven dependencies will be configured as expected. Note that for process design Maven dependencies are not needed. They are only needed to run unit tests.

If the org.eclipse.jetty.server version is higher than 6 you must prevent it from loading by changing its name so the JAR file is not parsed. Locate the file in the \plugins directory of your Juno installation and change the extension from .jar to something else. 17dc91bb1f

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