Jobs have a state that indicates what they are currently doing. When constructed, jobs start with a state value of NONE. When a job is scheduled to be run, it moves into the WAITING state. When a job starts running, it moves into the RUNNING state. When execution finishes (either normally or through cancelation), the state changes back to NONE.

A job can also be in the SLEEPING state. This happens if a user calls Job.sleep() on a waiting job, or if a job is scheduled to run after a specified delay. Only jobs in the WAITING state can be put to sleep. Sleeping jobs can be woken at any time using Job.wakeUp(), which will put the job back into the WAITING state.

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Jobs can be assigned a priority that is used as a hint about how the job should be scheduled. There is no guarantee that jobs of one priority will be run before all jobs of lower priority. The javadoc for the various priority constants provide more detail about what each priority means. By default, jobs start in the LONG priority class.Since:3.0See Also:IJobManagerField SummaryFieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final IStatusASYNC_FINISHJob status return value that is used to indicate asynchronous job completion.static final intBUILDJob priority constant (value 40) for build jobs.static final intDECORATEJob priority constant (value 50) for decoration jobs.static final intINTERACTIVEJob priority constant (value 10) for interactive jobs.static final intLONGJob priority constant (value 30) for long-running background jobs.static final intNONEJob state code (value 0) indicating that a job is not currently sleeping, waiting, or running (i.e., the job manager doesn't know anything about the job).static final intRUNNINGJob state code (value 4) indicating that a job is currently runningstatic final intSHORTJob priority constant (value 20) for short background jobs.static final intSLEEPINGJob state code (value 1) indicating that a job is sleeping.static final intWAITINGJob state code (value 2) indicating that a job is waiting to run.Fields inherited from class SummaryConstructorsConstructorDescriptionJob(String name)Creates a new job with the specified name.Method SummaryAll MethodsStatic MethodsInstance MethodsAbstract MethodsConcrete MethodsModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal voidaddJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener listener)Registers a job listener with this job Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.booleanbelongsTo(Object family)Returns whether this job belongs to the given booleancancel()Stops the job.protected voidcanceling()A hook method indicating that this job is running and cancel() is being called for the first time.static Jobcreate(String name, ICoreRunnable runnable)Creates a new Job that will execute the provided runnable when it runs.static Jobcreate(String name, IJobFunction function)Creates a new Job that will execute the provided function when it runs.static JobcreateSystem(String name, ICoreRunnable runnable)Creates a new system Job with the given name that will execute the provided runnable when it runs.static JobcreateSystem(String name, IJobFunction function)Creates a new system Job with the given name that will execute the provided function when it voiddone(IStatus result)Jobs that complete their execution asynchronously must indicate when they are finished by calling this JobGroupgetJobGroup()Returns the job group this job belongs to, or null if this job does not belongs to any group.static final IJobManagergetJobManager()Returns the job StringgetName()Returns the human readable name of this intgetPriority()Returns the priority of this ObjectgetProperty(QualifiedName key)Returns the value of the property of this job identified by the given key, or null if this job has no such IStatusgetResult()Returns the result of this job's last ISchedulingRulegetRule()Returns the scheduling rule for this intgetState()Returns the state of the ThreadgetThread()Returns the thread that this job is currently running booleanisBlocking()Returns whether this job is blocking a higher priority non-system job from starting due to a conflicting scheduling booleanisSystem()Returns whether this job is a system booleanisUser()Returns whether this job has been directly initiated by a UI end voidjoin()Waits until this job is booleanjoin(long timeoutMillis, IProgressMonitor monitor)Waits until either the job is finished or the given timeout has voidremoveJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener listener)Removes a job listener from this job.protected abstract IStatusrun(IProgressMonitor monitor)Executes this voidschedule()Schedules this job to be voidschedule(long delay)Schedules this job to be run after a specified voidsetJobGroup(JobGroup jobGroup)Sets the job group to which this job voidsetName(String name)Changes the name of this voidsetPriority(int priority)Sets the priority of the voidsetProgressGroup(IProgressMonitor group, int ticks)Associates this job with a progress group.voidsetProperty(QualifiedName key, Object value)Sets the value of the property of this job identified by the given voidsetRule(ISchedulingRule rule)Sets the scheduling rule to be used when scheduling this voidsetSystem(boolean value)Sets whether or not this job is a system voidsetThread(Thread thread)Sets the thread that this job is currently running in, or null if this job is not running or the thread is voidsetUser(boolean value)Sets whether or not this job has been directly initiated by a UI end user.booleanshouldRun()Returns whether this job should be run.booleanshouldSchedule()Returns whether this job should be booleansleep()Requests that this job be suspended.StringtoString()Returns a string representation of this job to be used for debugging purposes voidwakeUp()Puts this job immediately into the WAITING state so that it is eligible for immediate voidwakeUp(long delay)Puts this job back into the WAITING state after the specified delay.JobyieldRule(IProgressMonitor monitor)Temporarily puts this Job back into WAITING state and relinquishes the job's scheduling rule so that any WAITING jobs that conflict with this job's scheduling rule have an opportunity to start.Methods inherited from class inherited from class org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObjectgetAdapterMethods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, waitField DetailsASYNC_FINISHpublic static final IStatus ASYNC_FINISHJob status return value that is used to indicate asynchronous job completion.See Also:run(IProgressMonitor)done(IStatus)INTERACTIVEpublic static final int INTERACTIVEJob priority constant (value 10) for interactive jobs. Interactive jobs generally have priority over all other jobs. Interactive jobs should be either fast running or very low on CPU usage to avoid blocking other interactive jobs from running.See Also:getPriority()setPriority(int)run(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesSHORTpublic static final int SHORTJob priority constant (value 20) for short background jobs. Short background jobs are jobs that typically complete within a second, but may take longer in some cases. Short jobs are given priority over all other jobs except interactive jobs.See Also:getPriority()setPriority(int)run(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesLONGpublic static final int LONGJob priority constant (value 30) for long-running background jobs.See Also:getPriority()setPriority(int)run(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesBUILDpublic static final int BUILDJob priority constant (value 40) for build jobs. Build jobs are generally run after all other background jobs complete.See Also:getPriority()setPriority(int)run(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesDECORATEpublic static final int DECORATEJob priority constant (value 50) for decoration jobs. Decoration jobs have lowest priority. Decoration jobs generally compute extra information that the user may be interested in seeing but is generally not waiting for.See Also:getPriority()setPriority(int)run(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesNONEpublic static final int NONEJob state code (value 0) indicating that a job is not currently sleeping, waiting, or running (i.e., the job manager doesn't know anything about the job).See Also:getState()Constant Field ValuesSLEEPINGpublic static final int SLEEPINGJob state code (value 1) indicating that a job is sleeping.See Also:run(IProgressMonitor)getState()Constant Field ValuesWAITINGpublic static final int WAITINGJob state code (value 2) indicating that a job is waiting to run.See Also:getState()yieldRule(IProgressMonitor)Constant Field ValuesRUNNINGpublic static final int RUNNINGJob state code (value 4) indicating that a job is currently runningSee Also:getState()Constant Field ValuesConstructor DetailsJobpublic Job(String name)Creates a new job with the specified name. The job name is a human-readable value that is displayed to users. The name does not need to be unique, but it must not be null.Parameters:name - the name of the job.Method DetailsgetJobManagerpublic static final IJobManager getJobManager()Returns the job manager.Returns:the job 3.2createpublic static Job create(String name, IJobFunction function)Creates a new Job that will execute the provided function when it runs. Prefer using create(String, ICoreRunnable) as this does not require to call done on the monitor and relies on OperationCanceledExceptionParameters:name - The name of the jobfunction - The function to executeReturns:A job that encapsulates the provided functionSince:3.6See Also:IJobFunctioncreatepublic static Job create(String name, ICoreRunnable runnable)Creates a new Job that will execute the provided runnable when it runs.Parameters:name - the name of the jobrunnable - the runnable to executeReturns:a job that encapsulates the provided runnableSince:3.8See Also:ICoreRunnablecreateSystempublic static Job createSystem(String name, IJobFunction function)Creates a new system Job with the given name that will execute the provided function when it runs. Prefer using createSystem(String, ICoreRunnable) as this does not require to call done on the monitor and relies on OperationCanceledExceptionParameters:name - the name of the jobfunction - The function to executeReturns:a job that encapsulates the provided functionSince:3.10See Also:IJobFunctionsetSystem(boolean)createSystempublic static Job createSystem(String name, ICoreRunnable runnable)Creates a new system Job with the given name that will execute the provided runnable when it runs.Parameters:name - the name of the jobrunnable - the runnable to executeReturns:a job that encapsulates the provided runnableSince:3.8See Also:ICoreRunnablesetSystem(boolean)addJobChangeListenerpublic final void addJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener listener)Registers a job listener with this job Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.Overrides:addJobChangeListener in class - the listener to be added.belongsTopublic boolean belongsTo(Object family)Returns whether this job belongs to the given family. Job families are represented as objects that are not interpreted or specified in any way by the job manager. Thus, a job can choose to belong to any number of families. Clients may override this method. This default implementation always returns false. Overriding implementations must return false for families they do not recognize. 152ee80cbc

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