Is it possible to do so without having to install another eclipse? I have my projects in the previous one which i don't want to loose. I tried installing previous version of eclipse for Eclipse Javascript but I am not able to do so and the only one i see is Eclipse IDE again.

I am using eclipse on my project and while messing around with my eclipse settings, I turned on Javascript support. Now eclipse complains that JQuery library has errors in it and is not letting me compile the project. Does anyone know how to turn javascript validation off?

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How can I disable validation of included resources in these folders? I already disabled JavaScript validation on these folder as described here: How do I remove javascript validation from my eclipse project?

Researching this a bit and reading over your comments it seems that you are using Eclipse with the Aptana extension. If you absolutely do not need to use the Eclipse environment you could now download the Aptana Studio 3 which is based on Eclipse. It looks just like eclipse but is Aptana. Now instead of entering this and looking for Aptana plugins you are going to go into Aptana and look for eclipse plugins. I've installed this myself and have installed several plugins that handle all sorts of things such as javascript code completion, source code formatting etc. If you go to this site you can download the software there. To get all of the plugins, you can do use this site to guide you through some terrific source code completion utilities as well as others. -plugins-for-aptana-studio-3.html

Now, javascript syntax highlighting and other associated things like automatic indent, brackets assistance etc are working with .js files, but when I write any javascript inside a php or html file using script tags, the code is simply black text.

I did try uninstalling wild web developer and installing JSDT from 2020-03, but it was no help. Then I upgraded the JSDT to latest version - still not working. Finally I uninstalled eclipse completely and reinstalled the eclipse for PHP package. It has wild web developer by default. Still the same behaviour.

In Aptana Studio (as an eclipse plugin but I suppose the standalone version is almost the same): open any js or html file, show References window (or open Aptana perspective in eclipse) and drag-drop js files you want to add to JavaScript scope (it is possible to build and activate different scope profiles with different JavaScript files and resources: just click add profile in the window toolbar)

JSDT 2.0 uses Chromium as JavaScript debugger. The code, developed as part of Google Chrome dev tools, is now EPL-licensed, and available in the JSDT repository, under the org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.chromium project.

let's grab the latest eclipse version - lots of options here. It's like a cheesecake factory menu. I'll go with the Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers, it's not a huge file, it has the Git client and maybe I'll look at some JavaScript files there someday. Mostly I'll use pyDev though.

First unzip the java files, then unzip the eclipse files, right in my downloads directory. I'll go to the eclipse folder that was just unzipped and try to open the eclipse application. OK, it worked. That wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to get a java runtime error the first time. Maybe I did it wrong - I probably already had a compatible Java standard edition runtime environment 1.8 version installed in my C:\Program files\Java with this new VM, this never happens. I'm sure someone will have the error if you follow this, what you will need to do is install the JRE there. Now that it's working for me I will go back to the eclipse folder and pin the application shortcut to my windows taskbar. I will open to the default workspace for now.

I'll order one PyDev and take the Mylyn Integration on the side, and of course I will read ALL of the license terms and review them with my IT boards or directors and legal council before I choose to accept. Something about accepting the authenticity that you get with PyDev, an eclipse restart, and I am almost ready to go.

To have this capability I need to be able to specify to the new DSS.BAT that launches eclipsec.exe to have rhino import my own java .jar files. 

From a previous post I know that I can add my own .jar files to standalone rhino with java.exe. But having DSS.BAT start rhino via java.exe in place of eclipsec.exe precludes me lauching CCS.

So far I have be unsuccessful in searching the Internet for instructions how to add my .jar's to the eclipsec.exe rhino session within the TI DSS.BAT.

Please help me with this eclipsec.exe .init configuration problem.

The JavaScript Lunar Eclipse Explorer can compute the local circumstances for every lunar eclipse visible from a city for any century from -1499 to 3000 (1500 BCE to 3000 CE). When was the last total lunar eclipse visible from Paris? When is the next partial lunar eclipse visible from Los Angeles? These questions and many others can be answered easily using this new web tool. Pick a geographic location and search for all eclipses visible from that spot over several thousand years.

The Javascript Lunar Eclipse Explorer was developed by Chris O'Byrne and Fred Espenak. It features drop-down menus for city coordinates and buttons to select any century from -1499 to 3000 (1500 BCE to 3000 CE). It can be used to explore the frequencey and circumstances of all lunar eclipses visible from any location on Earth.

The Besselian elements and values of T used in Lunar Eclipse Explorer are the same as those used by the Five Millennium Canon of Lunar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000. For the purposes of calculating eclipse circumstances from a given place, the growing uncertainty in the value of T and the corresponding longitude become unacceptably large outside time period of -1499 to 3000 (1500 BCE to 3000 CE).

I have following build script. which tries to add the JavaScript facet to a eclipse web project. But the resulting project only contains the JavaScript facet. The default Java and Java Web facets are missing. This is contrary to my understanding of the EclipseWtpFacet documentation, which says that the facet method adds a facet.

Install "HTML Editor (standard) 3.5.1" plugin on you eclipse. Search it on the eclipse marketplace (Help -> Eclipse Marketplace). It worked fine for me. Remember you must restart eclipse after installation

One of the best practices to speed up your website is to minimize the number of HTTP requests required by a page and one of the simplest way is to combined all external javascript files into one. This will become an issue for Eclipse developers at certain point of our life, as the more javascript we write, the more time Eclipse need to validate when we press the ctrl+s button. Which sometimes led to IDE not responding. 2351a5e196

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