College and Career Readiness

College and Careers Overview

Thinking about life outside of high school can be both exciting and nerve wracking. Here are a few resources I've found that can be helpful with this process, and I'll be updating when I find new things!

Remember, if you ever have questions about this, Mrs. Siller or any of your teachers are a very great resource to use.

This page will be updated once school gets back up on its feet, so check back often!

Applications, Interviews, Resumes, Oh My!

From Read Write Think,

This resume generator is a basic start to figure out what information you need to put. It will also give you a pdf at the end. I suggest saving the pdf, and remake it on Google Docs so that it becomes a living resume (where you can add to it as you move jobs!)

On Learning Express Hub,

Here you have some resume tutorials, as well as interview success and thank you letter notes. **You may need to sign in using your Hawley ISD link in order to view.

Careers in General

A brief overview on careers, what to do with careers, ext.

More to come!

Brief overview on housing, loans, car expenses, ext, from Khan Academy

Careers Specific For Texas

Interested in working in Texas, but not sure exactly what careers are growing? Jobs Y'All is a fun little website that updates regularly about careers and and industries.

Another good website for careers, even includes links for military occupations.

College, Trade School, University?

Need to practice for ACT, SAT, or an AP test? This has so many practice tests! And free too! -- Just be sure you are signed in!

More to come!

From Khan Academy, introduces college admissions, exploring different types of colleges, learn how to pay for college, ext. Check it out!

From Learning Express Hub, this helps pull up data of possible schools, from class sizes to tuition! Check it out!