

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, UBB

Haţieganu Sports Park
An interior view of the amphitheather

The lectures and tutorials will take place in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, located in the Iuliu Haţieganu Sports Park, Cluj-Napoca. Access to the park is possible using the Pandurilor 7 entrance, as well as using the entrance located on Plopilor street (see map below). You should not pay any entrance fees to access the park - mention that you are participating in the eChem workshop. The amphitheater is located on the first floor.

How to get from the hotel/park entrance to the workshop venue. 
Building & entrance. The amphitheatre is on the first floor.


Somes river
Haţieganu Sports Park
Hotel Universitas

Accommodation (for 15 students) will be provided in Hotel Universitas which is located in the same park, about 5 minutes walk from the workshop venue. Let us know through the registration form if you can arrange accommodation by yourself or you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to get accommodation at Hotel Universitas. 



View of the St. Michael's church from the Cetățuia hill.

Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg) is located in Transylvania, in the northwest part of Romania and is one of the most important academic, cultural and industrial centers in the country. Students count more than a third of the town's population, where Babeş-Bolyai University is one of the largest in Romania with more than 42.000 students. The city dates back to Roman times, but the earliest conserved buildings are from the medieval era. One example is St. Michael's Church, built in the 14th century which sits in the heart of the city. A large number of historical monuments, museums, galleries, as well as restaurants are located around it and are worth visiting, about 20 min. walk from the workshop venue.


Getting To Cluj-Napoca

Pandurilor 7, Cluj-Napoca

By Plane

The Cluj International Airport offers connections with several major cities of Europe. From the airport, we recommend taking a taxi to the workshop venue. The cost is approximately 30 RON ( ~6 EUR) and takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the traffic. 

By Bus

Cluj-Napoca can also be reached by bus using the Beta Intercity Bus Station. Information about bus tickets can be found on the website. The bus station is ~10 minutes walk from the Cluj-Napoca train station, which offers taxi and tram connections to the workshop venue.

By Train

Finally, Cluj-Napoca can be reached by train. Tickets can be booked using From the Cluj-Napoca train station you can take either the tram or a taxi to the workshop venue (10-15 minutes, depending on the traffic).