0-2 years

Rooms 1, 2A, 9 & 13

Room 1: Ms. Kaitlyn, Ms. Nikki, Ms. Melissa & Ms. Sylvia

Hi Room 1,

We hope you enjoy this play list of our favorites stories and songs. We miss seeing each of you every day. We hope these stories and songs help you remember all the fun you have in 1B. We can’t wait to see you all soon, until then, we will see you on Zoom.

Sincerely, Kaitlyn, Nikki, Melissa & Sylvia

Room 2A: Ms. Norma, Ms. Elisha & Ms. Alga

Room 13 & Room 9: Ms. Yasmine, Mr. Nick, & Ms. Thalia

Hi Room 13 friends and families!

We understand what a difficult and unfortunate time this is, but we hope some of our playlists will make it a tad easier! We miss you all so much and hope to see you back in class soon. We are always just a zoom call or an e-mail away. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

With love,

Ms. Yasmine & Mr. Nick

Hello lovely Room 9 families,

Ms. Sarah and Ms. Thalia miss you all very much. We hope our little videos brighten your day and we look forward to playing with all of you again soon.

Hugs and kisses,

Ms. Thalia


Music & Movement