
The Smart Router team is working to put the power of the router back into the hands of the consumer


There is a growing demand for bandwidth among the expanding devices connected to home networks ranging from smartphones and smart tvs to gaming consoles, tablets, and more. With all these devices connected, it can be difficult to get the most out of the device or application you are using, especially when faced with situations like buffering, no internet access, or even loss of connection. The typical home router is not equipped to handle all the upload and download requests from all these connected devices and the performance falls off significantly to accommodate when more than one devices is connected. The Smart Router app takes care of these issues by allowing you to choose which device or application takes priority above the rest. Once the device is selected, the router will prioritize this devices bandwidth, ensuring an uninterrupted experience and maximum use of your router’s hardware. The Smart Router app will help manage devices connected to the home network without the need to buy an expensive router or meddle around with confusing advanced settings. The smart router bridges the knowledge of the router settings to the user and manages your home network with ease.

Scope statement

The Smart Router team is working to put the power of the router back into the hands of the consumer.

Our goal is to provide our users with a means of managing their devices on their network.

The team aims to provide an Android and iOS app which establishes a communication channel between the router and the app.


Phase 1: Weekly deliverables for each project area. Deliverables are to be complete by 11/10/2017

  • IOS Deliverables

1: NMSSH/animations

2: Router - app , recognize devices

3: sending priority

  • Android Deliverables

1: Research and GUI front end

2: communicate with router

3: display devices

  • Router Deliverables

1: Communicate with router

2: flash OpenWRT on to router

3: apps should be able to communicate/test prioritizing methods

Phase 2 Milestones to be discussed prior to 11/10/2017

Project completion: May 2018


  • Application is the best means of communication for most users
  • Users have enough bandwidth at the start to be allocated (can't see improvement if there isn't enough bandwidth)


  • Little research in the area
  • Hard deadline of June from Verizon for the completion of project


  • No hardware will be created or manipulated
  • Our group will not be conducting the mathematical proofs for the algorithms behind the communication process