Music Visualizer

visualize the sound around you

Summary of the final project

In this 153B project, my goal is to build a sound visualizer using the discovery board. A sound visualizer is a device that takes sound source as the input and output a visual representation of the sound based on its frequency or intensity on a display. The sound visualizer is going to collect its input by using a microphone. The signal will get processed through software, and the outcome will be sent to a LED matrix display which can then visualize the sound signal. Some additional feature I might consider when there is sufficient time is to take sound input signal from my PC via the USB and visualize it with my sound visualizer.

Block Diagram:


2/ 25 /2021

Ordered and received 8x8 LED display from Amazon.

Studied how to configure the on board PDM microphone, DFSDM, and DMA.

3/ 5 /2021

implemented FFT function to convert PCM signal into frequencies

3/ 12 /2021

implemented code to initialize and write bytes to the MAX7219 display matrix through SPI1.

Demo video:

