
Week of March 13th

After realizing the difficulty of working with WiFi and the HC05 board failing on our Arduino, we decided to transition to a tethered USB B-cable. While not optimal, this should be functional. Our camera recognizes apriltags and can determine its location and angle relative to a tag. We have built our robot, and is currently having some left/right issues. We're working on fixing these problems.

*Edit* We finished our project on March 14th!! Woo!

Week of March 6th

This week we explored integration with the STM board. After struggling to get the camera integrated, we decided to opt to use an Arduino UNO as a peripheral for our board. We did get our motors functioning with the motor controller, and are working on control algorithms.

Week of Feb 28th

This week we received our ordered parts and have begun to integrate our components with our project. We are having trouble integrating our sensors with our board, but have alternative solutions available in a worst case scenario. Next week, we will be working on getting the integration to our camera working.