Week 1

This is the first week of the project. I have ordered the parts and am still waiting for some of them to arrive. I worked on reading the datasheets for the camera module and fingerprint sensor. In addition, I went through Lab 4 (to recall information about how to setup I2C, SPI, and UART on the STM32L476VGTx MCU) and made a list of instructions and values to fill in to set up these protocols to interface with the sensors (based on the information from their datasheets). Since I am still waiting for the parts to arrive, I have not been able to actually test out the code yet. To help with my understanding of I2C, SPI, and UART I also used a logic analyzer that I purchased to scope the transmission lines when running the code from Lab 4 (the aim was to get some debugging practice so that if I have issues interfacing with my sensors, I would have some tools to help debug the issues). Unfortunately, I found that my scope was not very good because the values would only be correct if I held the wires in a certain position. I plan on testing this out a bit more this weekend and then proceed to test the code I outlined this week when the sensors arrive.