ECE153B Project

Group Members: Andrew Chen, Aaron Sin

Project Demo Video

Img 2163-1.mp4

Code can be found at the Github page:


The goal is to build a drink dispenser robot that can move around in a room to dispense drinks. The robot also senses the distance from the cup to the robot to make sure it doesn't leave a mess everywhere. It will be controlled by a Wii Nunchuk using the joystick to move and buttons to dispense.

Block Diagram








All interfacing protocols will be using C using Keil uVision to prototype and produce the final product. UART will be used to communicate with the robot through Bluetooth. I2C will be used to fetch temperature data from the temperature sensor that will measure the temperature of whatever fluid is being stored. SPI will be used to interface with the LED panel and whatever libraries we need to display custom images onto the display. PWM will be used to control the motors and servos to allow the robot to move and dispense the fluid.


Potential Improvement

As the project is in progress, here are a few improvements that might or might not be implemented depending on time:

Updates and Setbacks

Due to time constraints we had to cut back on some objectives such as control through bluetooth and the LCD screen. Instead we opted to control the robot through the Wii Nunchuk and through UART we can send debug information.

Aaron Sin

Andrew Chen