Soccer Goalie


This project will be as if you are the goalie in soccer. This project will involve the use of a servo motor that will control the arm that will allow one to block the incoming object. We will use the Ultrasonic Distance sensor to determine the distance at which the object is. In this case it would mimic the role of a soccer ball. When the ball reaches a certain distance away from goal the output on the LCD display will output the word ‘block’ which will alert the user to send a command via termite to the servo motor in order to activate the arm the would block the ball from entering past the goal line. If the distance at any point becomes lower than a certain threshold, we know that the user failed to block the ball correctly and the score counter which would be on an external LCD display would increase.

Block Diagram

Demo Video


This is termite control during the project demo. The last three commands show the operation of the Soccer Goal. The B stands for "Block", O stands for "Open", and C stands for clear which allows a new reading to be read. This allowed me to place my hand in front of the Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and trigger it to tell me to Block the ball.