
Friday Feb. 26th

  • Servos, brackets, solar cells, battery, and battery holder arrived

  • Pan and tilt brackets assembled and PWM code working

  • Solar panel mounting board designed

Update 1 final project

Monday, March 1

  • Accidentally fried Discovery board on Friday, but a Nucleo board arrived so I can continue testing

  • Designed the enclosure with a servo mount

  • Battery charger arrived

  • Still waiting on the solar charge controller and PCB mounting legs/screws to be delivered

Update 2 final project

Saturday, March 13 (update was a day late - was very sick at the end of week)

  • The 3D-printed parts arrived and parts installed in the enclosure

  • Found that the battery monitor arrived faulty and had to be reordered (arriving Sunday)

  • All (other) sensors/breakout boards are connected to the Nucleo board

    • I2C multiplexer and 16-segment display "drivers" written and tested

    • Tracking feature is tested and working

    • Battery charging system is tested and working