Weekly Updates

Week Mar 8 - Mar 12

This is the final week before code is due. I have finished my initial goal of being able to play Connect 4. I have also implemented my stretch goal of Tic Tac Toe. Now players can choose between the two games on Termite and view total total wins. So all my goals have been completed. All I need to do is clean up some of the code, but otherwise I'm done with my project. Thanks to all the 153B TAs for all the help this quarter!

Week Mar 1 - Mar 5

This week had good progress. I have implemented most the basic game logic for Connect 4. Players can have a game of Connect 4 with the wii nunchuk and the LED matrix. I need to figure out some edge cases for cursor movement. Also, I am reading a byte from UART for "reset" command. Overall, I am making good progress on Connect 4. I should even be able to implement tic tac toe if I iron out some bugs this coming week.

Week Feb 22 - 26

This week I figured out all the communication between all the peripherals for my project. I was able to read wii Nunchuk data using I2C. I ran into a problem with the TXIS bit not being set with in the Send_data function. This was fixed by inducing a slight delay before using the I2C send/receive function from lab 4. I also was able to send bytes of data using I2C to the arduino as well. I also setup UART communication with the bluetooth module. I displayed the joystick and button data on termite using UART. I also started familiarizing myself with the neopixel library for the 8x8 LED matrix.


  • STM32 to wii Nunchuk (I2C)

  • STM32 to HC-05 Bluetooth Module (UART)

  • STM32 to Arduino (I2C)

  • Arduino to 8x8 LED Matrix (neopixel library)