Current Research

Research Interest

Integrated Photonics: Exploring the integration of photonic devices and components for enhanced functionality and performance.

Silicon Photonics: Leveraging silicon as a platform to develop advanced photonic integrated circuits with improved efficiency and scalability.

Ultra-High Speed Optical Modulators and Systems: Developing state-of-the-art optical modulators and relevant systems to enable lightning-fast data transmission.

Novel Material Platforms for Photonic Integrated Circuits: Investigating new material platforms to create innovative photonic integrated circuits, opening up new possibilities for device design and performance.

Integrated Photonics for AI Hardware and Quantum Communication: Exploring the application of integrated photonics in artificial intelligence hardware and quantum communication systems, enabling faster and more secure information processing.

Machine Learning-Enabled PIC Design and PDK Development: Utilizing machine learning techniques to enhance the design of photonic integrated circuits and developing process design kits (PDKs) for streamlined fabrication.

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