
Week 7&8

Thursday of week 8, the IR sensor arrived and we decided to try IR Infrared Sensor as our coin detector. Meanwhile, we have to wait for the parts to deliver.

The moment of testing our work for Lab5

week 8 cont.

Since the seller didn't provide the data sheet, therefore, we just searched on the Internet for a different brand of this sensor but with the same functionality. The sensor was a success, and in order to debug and test out the coin logic, we implemented UART for termites and started debugging over there before printing on the screen.

A screenshot that we implemented a mechanism to check the input of coins.(UART)

A picture of implementing IR infrared sensor in the Lab room

Plan for the next week:

A picture of finished implementing 4 of the IR infrared sensors, and holding them on breadboard

Week 9

This week we have successfully Implemented the LCD display board (SPI) and the IR infrared sensor input signal to trigger an interrupt signal (for the requirement).

Also, we decided to remove one of the IR infrared sensors to make our project more realistic as the mode of real-world machines, so we only considered 3 kinds of coins: 5 cents, 10 cents, and 25 cents.

(And now we have completed at least two protocol requirements.)

Plan for the next Week:

Implement the Wii Nunchuck(I2C) and the dispenses system.

Week 10

Implemented the Wii Nunchuck(I2C), and use it as a cursor moving across the SPI screen (for drink selection). And assemble the coin dispense and screen display part of the machine.



Soda pictures

we got the soda pictures to print onto the display, we downloaded a bigger picture, then we converted it into a byte array for the SPI to read the data. 

Vending machine

We build the vending part of the machine with 4 motor installed, however, it is not yet fully debugged, 2/4 motors are still not working properly. 

Insufficent funds!

In order for it be more user friendly, we implemented a insufficient funds indicating there is not enough money being thrown for the item you want.


Today we fixed the Motor completely and we raised the vending part of the machine, we also added a little block gate for the goods not to fall down. We also added a box holder for the Wii nunchuck. In terms of the display we also added a couple of User-friendly messages such as vending and 5-second item grab.



