Concerning The Dancing

Jerry Reynolds

Dance Master

Who I am:

What I do:


Upcoming Dances

Where I currently call dances:


North Carolina



Where I have called in the past:

Our dance group in front of Scotchtown, Patrick Henry's home, for a Christmas Ball!

Why I do this:

For the money, of course.  Just kidding!  In fact, I don't officially charge for what I do - I never want a group to not be able to learn ECD because they can't afford the caller.  We can talk further about this aspect when we work on other details.

I teach ECD because it is something that whole families can do and enjoy together, no matter what age. I love seeing people learning something new and fun, and giving them an evening of great memories!  It is so rewarding to watch dads dance with their daughters, moms dance with their sons, and so many other combinations of generations dancing with each other.


Let me know if you would like your group to learn ECD as a fun and memorable event!  Complete the form below with your contact information, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

The Waltz (box step):

The waltz is an older dance than ECD. Some say that it originated in the 13th century.  During the breaks of an event, 'colonial waltz' music is sometimes played, in order to give people the opportunity to waltz together.

If you want to learn how, here are some excellent teaching videos: