Distinguished Professor of Industrial Engineering and Professor of Statistics

The Pennsylvania State University

Contact: exd13@psu.edu           

Office: 814 863 6408

Research interests

My broad interests are in Statistics and Machine Learning methods and their application to all of Engineering and to some areas in Science. The "big data" revolution has resulted not only in larger datasets but in data that have a more complex structure. The revolution has been driven not only by faster and more capable computers but also by the facility with which vast amounts of data can be collected over social networks and by internet-based companies, by better and faster non-contact sensors in industry, by micro-arrays, better optics, and increasingly more powerful mass spectrometers in science (the ``omics" revolution), and by better remote sensing and optical equipment in geophysics and astronomy. In industry, while the traditional paradigm in statistics developed by Fisher, “Student” and Neyman, characterized by small samples obtained in expensive experiments, is very powerful and still of great application today, there is a considerable number of fields in both engineering and science where a response of interest is made of thousands of inexpensive observations, given the wide availability of different type of sensors and scanners

My research over the years has focused on how to control or optimize an industrial process based on heterogeneous datasets that may be available, and it has evolved through time as the nature of the data that are available (either experimental or observational) has evolved. I am interested in building data-based statistical models and the associated methodology for the control and optimization of engineering systems or that provide helpful information for scientists. This includes diverse problems in process control (Statistical and Time Series Control), Experimental Design, and Response Surface Optimization methods. In recent years I have worked in these areas dealing with complex, large geometrical (or geometrical-spatial) datasets, specifically, functional, shape and surface data (i.e., data that occurs in 1D or 2D-manifolds), image data (2 and 3D) and general high dimensional data that may be concentrated in lower dimensional manifolds.

About  Dr. del Castillo

Dr. Enrique del Castillo is a Distinguished Professor in the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department at Penn State with a joint appointment in the Department of Statistics in the Eberly college of Science.His research has been funded by the NSF, General Motors R&D Corporate Center, Intel Corporation, Netflix, Minitab and NATO, and has totaled over 2.3 million dollars. He is a past recipient of a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Quality Technology, where he currently serves in its editorial board, a past Associate Editor of the Technometrics journal, and a past Associate Editor of IISE Transactions. At PSU's IME department he is the director of the Engineering Statistics and Machine Learning Laboratory, and at PSU he is a member of the Operations Research Program Committee, an affiliated member of the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, and a member of the Computational Science Minor Faculty group. If you are an Engineering Ph.D. student with interests in "Data Sciences", Machine Learning, or Statistics, or a Statistics Ph.D. student with interests or background in "Industrial" statistics or in Engineering, in particular, in Optimization and Control of industrial processes, you can contact Dr. Castillo by sending an e-mail to exd13@psu.edu or stop by his office to talk with him in Leonhard building. Dr. Castillo's Erdos Number is 3, if you are curious about that kind of thing.

Courses at Penn State

IE 532, IE 583, and IE 584 are graduate courses currently offered each once every 3 years in the Spring semester.

Selected recent publications

 Statistics, Machine Learning, and applications in Engineering

  Collaborations in Science 

For further publications see the Engineering Statistics and Machine Learning Lab publications website.

For software (codes) that accompany the papers above and many others, see the ESAMLab software website.

