About ECAs 2018

In the current climate of growing competition between universities, and with both the fall in applications and the inflated tuition fees, institutions are experiencing growing pressure to keep students engaged in various ways to attain high satisfaction levels. Inevitably, this pressure is passed on to teaching staff as they continue to seek innovative ways to enhance the opportunities for meaningful learning.

Extracurricular work in foreign languages comes frequently under the initiative of language tutors and is often unrecognised. Considering the paramount contribution of extracurricular activities to student satisfaction, and the increasing attention it is receiving from both practitioners and scholars, this conference aims to foster a discussion concerning this informal and yet key part of the language learning experience and its impact on students’ language/culture acquisition, their motivation, and their job skills and competencies.

Our aim is to create a forum for discussion and for sharing teaching and learning experiences with colleagues passionate about going the extra mile. We hope that throughout the various presentations and workshops, modern languages higher education professionals will find opportunities for peer learning, network building, and, most of all, will find a place where work in the background becomes the foreground.

ECAs 2018 Organising Committee

(Spanish Language Team, University of Manchester)

If you wish to join us attending our event and share and learn about practices in extracurricular activities, register online now following the instructions on the registration page.