Call for Contributions

We are inviting submissions to the first workshop on Frontiers of Online Advertising: Autobidding, GenAI, and Beyond, which will be co-located with ACM EC 2024 in New Haven, CT, USA, on July 8th, 2024.

Important Dates (all at 11:59pm AOE)


The market for online advertising has witnessed exciting changes in recent years, including the increased adoption of automation to buy and sell advertisements, new privacy standards, state-of-the-art machine learning prediction methods, novel experimentation approaches, and, now, new opportunities arising from the integration and monetization of generative AI and large-language models. The “Frontiers of Online Advertising” workshop aims to provide a venue for practitioners and academics to explore and discuss these recent trends.

We welcome submissions related to new frontiers of online advertising, including (but not limited to) topics such as:

Submission Instructions

Submission site:

The preferred submission format is a 2-page abstract. Longer submissions are welcome, but content beyond the first two pages will be read at the reviewers' discretion. Submissions will be evaluated on the relevance to the workshop, the academic merit, and potential for impact. This workshop is non-archival. We welcome the submission of recently-published work or work that is under review elsewhere. 

The review process is double blind. Authors must take measures to ensure that their identity is not easily revealed from the submission itself. Authors should refer to their prior work in a neutral manner (i.e., instead of saying “We showed” say “XYZ et al. showed”).

Authors of accepted papers will give a short (~5-15 minutes) oral presentation and an one-hour poster presentation at the workshop.