Frontiers of Online Advertising:

Autobidding, GenAI, and Beyond

An EC'24 Workshop - July 8th, 2024, New Haven


Online advertising is becoming one of businesses’ most popular channels to reach audiences effectively. Total online advertising spending crossed the $600 billion mark for the first time in 2023. Advertising is a major revenue driver for many media and tech companies. In the last few years, the online advertising market has witnessed some exciting changes, including the increased adoption of automation to buy and sell advertisements, new privacy standards, state-of-the-art machine learning prediction methods, novel experimentation approaches, and, now, new opportunities arising from the integration of generative AI and large-language models. The Frontiers of Online Advertising: Autobidding, GenAI, and Beyond workshop, co-located with ACM EC 2024, aims to provide a venue for practitioners and academics to explore and discuss these recent trends.

Plenary Speakers and Panelists

Vahab Mirrokni (Google Research)

Michael Schwarz (Microsoft)

S. Muthukrishnan (Amazon)

Renato Paes Leme (Google Research)

Shawndra Hill (Columbia Business School & Meta)

MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi (University of Maryland)

Schedule at a Glance


Santiago R. Balseiro (Columbia University & Google Research)

Brendan Lucier (Microsoft Research)

Vahab Mirrokni (Google Research)

Nicolas Stier-Moses (Meta)