Call for Papers

We are inviting submissions to the “Recent Research Highlights” track for a workshop on algorithmic contract theory that we are organizing at this year’s ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC’22) in Boulder, Colorado, USA. We interpret contracts broadly and accept a broad range of topics that have a moral hazard component, involve incentivizing effort, or delegating a task.

The Workshop


Topics of interest include:

  • Real-life applications of contracts, particularly in algorithmic environments

  • Robust contracts

  • Strategic classification

  • Complexity / combinatorial aspects of contracts

  • Multiple principals or agents

  • Combining moral hazard with screening

  • Delegation

  • Information acquisition and scoring rules

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: June 10, 2022

  • Notifications: June 15 21, 2022

Submission Instructions

  • By email to

  • The email should contain the title of the paper, the list of authors, the email address of the corresponding authors, the venue at which the paper appeared or will appear (if applicable), the paper in pdf format

  • Decisions will be sent out to the corresponding author by email

Submissions will be evaluated on the relevance to the workshop, the academic merit, and potential for impact. Authors of accepted papers will give a short (~5-15 minutes) oral presentation at the workshop.

We explicitly invite papers that have appeared in Computer Science, Economics, or Operations Research venues over the past 1-2 years (including papers that will appear at this year’s EC conference).

We look forward to your contribution / participation and will hopefully already see some of you at our sister workshop at this year’s STOC TheoryFest.

The organizers

Paul Duetting (Google Research) and

Inbal Talgam-Cohen (Technion)