

Development Microeconomics (PhD)

  • 2018 - present

The course covers the microeconomic foundations of development economics. We focus on market frictions that may hinder growth in developing countries. Topics include labor markets, land markets, and credit markets. We will also discuss the economics of the household and social networks. The course uses both theoretical and empirical tools.

Financial Markets for the Poor (Undergraduate)

  • 2019 - present

1.7 billion adults around the world do not have access to a financial account. Why has it been so challenging to reach this population? What financial product innovations have worked for banking poor customers? How do the underbanked make do without access to the formal financial market? This course investigates the functioning of the financial market for low income populations, with a focus on developing countries. Example topics include: 1) the link between financial market development and economic growth; 2) financial literacy and consumer protection; 3) savings; 4) credit; 5) insurance; 6) mobile banking and digital payments. The course covers relevant economic principles, business case studies, product design experiments, and research papers.

Columbia Business School

Corporate Finance (MBA Core)

  • 2012-2015

Empirical Corporate Finance (PhD)

  • 2014-2016