My mistake. You are right, the correct webpage is there was a typo in my previous post. I know there is a lot of information in the web, but i would like to have a reference book, and it seems this is the book to have for autocad programming.There is also a lot of information about the autcoad api in internet but the autocad help files are somewhat arid, and i wanted something more digerible.

I have used both while learning in AutoCad and I liked (still do) having both to hand for reference. But the best document is by far the Developers guide, it's very very detailed and contains all you need to get started.

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I have already spent some time learning Now, the next step would be to begin learning the autocad api. My intention is to be able to work With autocad and civil 3D api . I tried to find a web where i could buy Jerry winters book, but it seems imposible. I suppose would have to work with the developers guide, given the fact that the book seems to be out of print and it can only be bought at Amazon for no less than 400 dollars. By the way, i tred to contact jerry and i am still waiting for a response. Thanks to everyboy anyway

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