ebonee rainwater

 Illustration & Design

Email: ebonee.rainwater@gmail.com

Shop Link: bit.ly/harpycraft

Shop Instagram: @itsharpycraft


Story Development

Medusa Gets Groceries

Well... she tries to, at least.


Rough Animatic

mgg animatic_1.mp4

Patience, Poppy! 

a children's book about being patient with yourself.


 Meet Poppy

Poppy wants a pretty flower like the rest of the other saplings, so she goes on an investigative adventure to find out what others did to make their flowers bloom. She tries each of their remedies in turn, but nothing works! She later realizes why: trying to copy what works for others won't do her any good in finding out what works for her.

This heartfelt story is about being patient with yourself, and learning to not worry so much about the things that other people have.


Character + Layout Concepts

Alternate designs for Poppy

Drafts of pages 5 + 6

Draft of pages 5-6


Josie Sanders fled her kingdom to escape the evil forces lurking there. Living undercover as a

simple transfer student at Bloomfield High School, she befriends Clover Morales, a timid admirer of

hers. One fateful night at Carnival causes each of their lives to tailspin toward their true callings.


4-Square Comics

Fun doodles based on stuff that happens in my everyday.


an animated short that follows Ọmọ and a mythical being after the passing of her mother.

Spring 2019

My undergraduate senior thesis project, IYA (2019), was a short animated film that follows the journey of m, a young girl who has recently lost her mother. Through the integration of the traditional mythology from the Yoruba people of West Africa, mfinds peace and reassurance that her mother is still with her. It was my goal to really strike an emotional cord with the audience, and for those who had experienced the same heartache as m in losing a loved one, to come to find the same peace that she did. 

IYA Edited Render.mp4

IYA Animated Short


Cover art for Icarian Conundrum

 Spring 2021

I was fortunate to be selected as the artist for Icarian Conundrum --  a humorous superhero improv prompt about battling impostor syndrome against ever-worsening odds. I got to work closely with the story's author throughout the art development process, and we agreed that a faux comic book was a must for a such a tongue-in-cheek  superhero story.

Make A Scene, a live action role-play (LARP) group based in the Twin Cities, commissioned me to provide art for this story as part of their Anthology Book project.

I Am Not Your Waifu

a crack at a humorous 16-page zine featuring commentary 

on anime, feminism, and pop culture. 

Spring 2020

This mini-project ended up as a field day of dumb humor and funny references. 

It draws from my experience as a woman, person of color, artist, consumer of anime, and regular anime convention goer.  

This one's for mature audiences!