Info for Presenters

If you wish your presentation not to be recorded, photographed or shared on social media, feel free to add the logo provided here.

Talk guidelines

Oral communications will have to adhere strictly to a time slot of 12 minutes + 3 minutes. Presentations will take place on Zoom; please check in advance that the device you’ll be using is adequate.

Live presentations are preferred, however pre-recorded talks are accepted. In this last case, they must be provided to the organizing committee by Wednesday 30th June and in a compatible video format (e.g., *.mp4, *.avi). If you wish to present a recorded video, please contact as soon as possible the organizers at

Poster guidelines

Posters will be uploaded onto a secure area of the EAVP website, where all attendees of the Annual Meeting will be able to view them. In addition, we will be having a number of live poster sessions where presenters and attendees will be able to interact to discuss the research being presented.

Please remember that this year’s posters will be read on screens around the world, and therefore previous formats you may have used, e.g. A0 size, may be difficult for attendees to read and follow. We ask that you note the following guidance:

There is no specification on the dimension of your poster, but you are reminded that posters will be read on screens – choose a suitable size for your audience (e.g., landscape orientation)

You will be required to submit your poster by Wednesday 30th June. Further information will follow on how to upload your poster.

Posters must be submitted as a PDF. Maximum file size 10 MB

Flash Talk

Flash talk will last maximum 2 minutes with only 1 slide allowed.

The slideshow will be shared by the chairman, in order to keep speedy the passage transition between falsh-talks.

It is mandatory that you send the organizer the slide (as PDF) for the flash talk with together with the poster by Wednesday 30th June.

Code of Conduct

It is the expectation of the EAVP that meeting attendees behave in a courteous, collegial, and respectful fashion to each other, volunteers, exhibitors and meeting staff. Attendees should respect common sense rules for professional and personal interactions, public/online behaviour, common courtesy, and respect for property (physical and intellectual) of presenters. Demeaning, abusive, discriminatory, harassing, or threatening behaviour towards other attendees or towards meeting staff will not be tolerated, either in personal or electronic interactions.

Social media

As you know the 19th EAVP is taking place online. We look forward to hearing all your thoughts on various social media outlets, and encourage the use of the official hashtag #EAVP2021 and/or #2021EAVP. Please be respectful of the wishes of authors if they do not wish their work to shared online.

Thank you once again for being a part of this year's EAVP meeting, the first of its kind. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you.