Why is My Garage Door Not Closing?

If your garage door won't close, it can leave your belongings exposed and compromise the security of your home. The first thing to check is the safety sensors. These sensors are located near the ground on each side of the door and should have an unobstructed line of sight. If there is anything in their path, such as dust or debris, clean the sensors and try closing the door again. Another common issue is a misaligned sensor. In this case, gently adjust the sensor's alignment until they are facing each other directly. If these solutions don't work, it's crucial to seek professional help.

Why is My Garage Door Noisy?

A noisy garage door can be bothersome, especially if it disrupts your peace at home. The cause of the noise is often due to lack of lubrication. Regular maintenance includes applying a silicone-based lubricant to all moving parts, such as the rollers, hinges, and springs. Another possible cause of the noise is worn-out rollers. Inspect the rollers for any signs of wear and tear and replace them if necessary. If the noise persists even after lubrication and roller replacement, it's advisable to call a professional garage door technician to assess the issue.

Why is My Garage Door Remote Not Working?

If your garage door remote is not working, the first step is to check the batteries. Replace them and see if that solves the problem. If the remote still doesn't work, try reprogramming it by following the manufacturer's instructions. If reprogramming doesn't work, the issue could lie with the remote control itself or the garage door opener. In this case, it's best to consult a professional who can diagnose and resolve the issue.