Import a new system

pDynamo is a highly versatile library, and fortunately, it supports various file formats and force fields. Consequently, EasyHybrid is also capable of importing this data. To import a new system, you can access the main menu by clicking on "File" > "New", or simply press the first button on the toolbar labeled "Import a new system"."

Figure 1: Accessibility options for importing a new system within the EasyHybrid interface.

The window for importing a new system (Figure 2) requires the following data:

Figure 2: Window to import a new system in EasyHydrid. In this example a system using files generated for the AMBER force field are being used.

If everything has worked as expected, you should now see a wireframe representation in your GL area (Figure 3). Please keep in mind that the carbon atoms will be colored based on the reference color you have chosen.

Figure 3: Amber system loaded on EasyHybrid.