
Fernando Bachega

Fernando is the creator and main developer of the EasyHybrid project. Currently, he serves as professor at the Federal University of Sciences in Porto Alegre, Brazil. His primary areas of interest include the physical chemistry of biological systems, computational chemistry, bioinformatics and structural biology.

Luis FErnando Timmers

Luis is the creator and developer of the EasyHybrid project. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at the University of Vale do Taquari (Univate) in Lajeado, Brazil. His primary areas of interest include structural bioinformatics, protein flexibility, molecular dynamics simulations, and structural biology.

Carlos Sequeiros-Borja

Carlos is the main developer of the OpenGL engine used in EasyHybrid. Currently finishing his PhD studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, he is experienced with molecular dynamics simulations of proteins and data analysis. He is also interested in scientific illustration and the 3D rendering of structural models in Blender 3D.

Martin Field

Martin Field is the developer of the Dynamo series of programs and a major contributor to the EasyHybrid project since its inception. He is currently a researcher at the Institut Laue–Langevin (ILL) and The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).

Kai Niklas

Diagnosed with a 'programming and 3D addiction' long ago, Kai supports the rest of the team in parts of OpenGL programming and 3D concepts. He has been in the programming industry for 20+ years and mostly works as a trainer for Programming and 3D APIs, as well as in game development.