Installing on Windows

Installation tutorial for EasyHybrid 3.0 on Windows 10/11

Installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows.

First, in the Windows search, look for Control Panel.

After that, click on the Control Panel icon and select the Programs option.

Within Programs, select Turn Windows features on or off.

Now, in the new window, scroll down and select the Windows Subsystem for Linux option, click OK. Finally, restart your computer.

After completing the computer restart, open the Microsoft Store and search for Ubuntu and choose Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Then click on install.

Launch the application by clicking on the icon as shown in the image below:

Then, a window will open, which is the Linux terminal and will be your working environment. When prompted, you should enter a username and password.

Once you have chosen a username and password (which should be entered twice for confirmation), you will be in the Linux environment. To clear all messages from the terminal, you can press Ctrl + l or type "clear" in the terminal followed by the ENTER key.

(c) Now we need to update the system. Type the following:

sudo apt-get update and press ENTER.

(In some cases, confirmation may be required by typing Y)

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install cmake

sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa

(d) Installation of a graphical user interface (GUI) to open applications in windows. Access the website VcXsrv Windows X Server download | and download the VcXsrv Windows X Service program by clicking on Download as shown in the image below.

After downloading, you should run this program. In the first window that opens, leave the settings as they are and click Next, then in the other window, click Install, and finally click Close. If everything went well, an icon will appear on the desktop:

Open this application, in the first window, keep the Multiple Windows option selected and click Next.

Now, you should select the option Disable access control as shown in the image below. Then click Next.

At this stage, you should save your configurations by clicking Save configuration. Save the config file on your desktop. Additionally, every time you open the terminal, you will need to execute this file.

Now, with XLaunch running, restart your Ubuntu (WSL). Type vi .bashrc in the terminal to open the vim text editor, hold the Shift key and press the g key (to go to the end of the file). When you are on the last line of the file, press the o key (to activate text insertion mode on the next line). In INSERT mode, type the following text: export DISPLAY=:0.0, then press the ESC key to exit text mode and type :wq to save and click ENTER.

Now, in the terminal, type source .bashrc.

To install the X11 application, type the following in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install x11-apps

Then, to test, type xeyes in the terminal. If everything is successful, a small window with eyes should appear as shown in the image below.

(e) Preparing the system to install pdynamo3.

Enter the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt install python3-pip

sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev

sudo pip3 install freetype-py

sudo apt install unzip

sudo pip3 install cython

Now, let's download pdynamo3. Visit the website: and download the ZIP package as shown in the image below.

Now open the Ubuntu WSL terminal and create a directory called "programas

Now open the Ubuntu WSL terminal and create a directory called "programas" by entering the following command:

mkdir programas

Enter the directory by typing:

cd programas

Move the downloaded file to this folder as follows:

mv /mnt/c/users/usuario/downloads/ .

To unzip the file, type:


Now enter the directory by typing: cd pDynamo3-main

Type cd installation

Finally, type:

python3 -f

If everything went well, something similar to the image below should appear.

To finish, proceed as follows, type:

cd shellScripts


After installing pdynamo3, we will proceed to download the other two programs.

Go to the link: and download EasyHybrid and Graphic Engine following the same steps as with the pdynamo download. See the image below.

After moving the two files to the "programas" directory, we will unpack them.

First, type in the terminal:

tar -xvf graphics_engines.tar.gz

cd graphics_engines

sudo pip3 install numpy


Something like the following should appear in the terminal:

Finally, enter the "programas" directory by typing cd .. and type:


cd EasyHybrid3-main


Almost there!

Type in the terminal:



Now, EasyHybrid3 is working!

Enjoy your simulation...