Writing An Essay That Works Well

Writing An Essay That Works Well

When you're writing an essay and trying to hit that 500 word count on deadline it can be frustrating. You want to make sure you're hitting your 500 word mark, but you're nervous and you don't know what to write about. Don't panic, read on and you'll find some suggestions on how to write an essay that works well.

The first thing you should write about is an argument. For each point you argue you should list 3 points that back it up. As an example, you may say:

A hypothetical situation, I'm going to tell you what I really believe. Then I want you to tell me your point of view. In this example the first paragraph is an argument and the second paragraph is an opinion.

After the argument you may write an opinion, this gives a chance for you to go over the things you've already written in the first paragraph. This is another argument that will be good for you to get to on your paper.

In the last paragraph you should have written something that you think will help you see where you're coming from. Your point of view should be brief, informative and useful. The idea is that when you're writing an essay and trying to hit that 500 word count on deadline you'll realize you've been going over a lot of the same points over and this gives you a chance to talk about your points and they'll be much easier to think about.

Write about some personal experience or a friend's life. This will help you write about your point of view. People who are good at writing are very good at this because they have things to say and they have the passion to say it. A good writer is someone who writes well and those who are good at writing are also the people who know what they want to say and what they feel about things.

When you're writing an essay and trying to hit that 500 word count on deadline it is best to remember that the goal is to get to the final paragraph and it needs to be easier to think about than where you're at. Once you can do that, writing that essay will be much easier to do.