
is an easy and simple Display Manager, built on EasyBashGUI library, modifying startx and PCDM startup scripts.

It has been tested in my home PC running GhostBSD, but it's very likely that it works on GNU/Linux too (by the way: linuxians, I need you!), since EasyBashGUI works perfectly in GNU/Linux; unfortunately, I don't know how to install it in various GNU/Linux flavors/distributions.

It's capable of customizations in users sessions, in its apparence (logo and widget), and the scripts to launch before and after its instance.

This Display Manager works (in FreeBSD) in just three steps:

1) rc.conf launches "easydm" script in rc.d directory (you have to type easydm_enable="YES" in file "/etc/rc.conf")

2) easydm launches easydm.d, (the "daemon" starting the loop ) which launches ebgdm

3) ebgdm is actually what you see as the "starting menu" (and it launches user choices, namely Desktop Managers )

So... bothered of Display Managers not working, or too complicated?

Try EasyDM! It's only shell, it's so easy... and it's free! ;-)

Vittorio Cagnetta