
Include the filename anywhere in a file field of a record (Do not include the path). Store the file in a directory added to the database (Go to Menu, Databases, choose one database, Folders, Add a directory where the files are), with its full name. For example file.pdf or file.jpg.

Then an icon appears to access that file.

You can use buttons to select files from your device in edition mode. A copy of those files are going to store in the directory selected for device's photo taken.

Files browser

You can search for a file within the files available on your device (inside of /Android/data/com.dsiastur.easy_database/files), both in the internal memory and on the SD card. The information about the files is updated each time you restart Easy Database. It can also be updated manually by pressing the magnifying glass icon.

Files with the following extensions are searched:

Audio: acc, ac3, mid, midi, mp3, wav, wma.

Image: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, pnd.

Video: avi, mpg, mpeg, mp4, ogg, wmv.

Others: csv, doc, docx, pdf, txt.