Photo Gallery

Blue and Gold & Crossover

The Annual Blue and Gold Ceremony  is held in the Spring usually along with the Crossover and this event is where we celebrate the scouts and their achievements along with, advancing the older boys who have graduated from Cub Scouts to the Troop.

Pinewood Derby

Our Pinewood Derby race is held in February and is a way for boys to research and have fun designing a pinewood derby car that they can race against their peers. The boys should take an active role in the design and development of their car. Siblings and Parents are also allowed to participate and a car can be purchased through the pack.

Annual Food Drive

Every year East Windsor Pack #89 organizes an annual food drive in conjunction with East Windsor Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and the 5 Corner Cupboard.

Cub Mobile

In May we organize and run a district pine wood derby where the area packs can build and race cars against each other.


Pictures from all the various parades our Cubs have marched in.

Pack Picnic/Rocket Blast

Every year the pack holds a summer get together for the pack.

Field Trips & Misc Events

Here you will find pictures from all the Misc events and activities we participate in from planting flowers as a community service project  to building scare crows or even visiting the fire department or sleeping on a battleship at Battleship Cove.