Our Coaches

Learn weightlifting, Springfield area, MA, Snatch, Clean and Jerk


Evan Pounds is a 94 kg national medalist in Weightlifting, US Army Officer, teacher and coach. Evan has worked with NCAA division III-I teams at Marist College, Springfield College, and Amherst College respectively as well as with national level weightlifters for the past five years. Evan was mentored by Donny Shankle, Patrick Maizels, and Leo Totten and draws from the rich and diverse experience with each into his own training and the training of athletes at Easthampton Barbell Club. Evan’s main objective is to develop the athletes of Easthampton Barbell Club by his firm belief in the multi-faceted benefits of the Olympic lifts, whether total beginner or Olympian.

Weightlifting, Coaching, Club, MA, Snatch, Clean and Jerk
Weightlifting, Pioneer Valley, Snatch, Clean and Jerk