East Canton UMC

Prayer and Praise at 10:15 on Sunday.

Prayer and Praise time is in the Sanctuary with a devotional, the Psalm of the day, and praise style music including a music video.

This fellowship time is Lay Led and ends with greeting time as other worshipers enter the Sanctuary.

Worship at 10:30 on Sunday.

We celebrate with both traditional hymns played on the piano and with praise songs.

Music and other aspects of prayers and readings are projected to follow along.

We take up a free will offering near the end of the service for Church expenses.

Mission boxes for donations are available as you leave the Sanctuary.

Holy Communion (bread and juice) is part of the first service each month (only).

Service is over at 11:30 but many stay for fellowship or study until noon.

Business meetings are moving back to Wednesdays, afternoon and evenings.

East Canton UMC began as a Methodist Episcopal

congregation 200 years ago.

The current structure still includes the same ceiling in the Sanctuary that has graced this congregation since it moved from class meeting in homes to gathered congregation in a Church building. New Welcome Center includes full handicap accessible entrance to the Sanctuary, classrooms, restrooms, and a lift for access to the Fellowship Hall for any event held there.

FIND US: enter 5791 Route 414 into your GPS device. We are located on Route 414 between Towanda PA and Canton PA.

We are actually 4 miles east of the center light in Canton as you travel toward Towanda .

CONTACT US: Mailing address: 5791 Route 414, Canton PA 17724

Email address: EastCantonUMC@gmail.com

Phone with answering machine: 570-673-4656 ... please leave a message if no answer.

The East Canton Church and the West Burlington Church make up the East Canton Charge of the United Methodist Church.