CRISIS Art Gallery

CRISIS Art Gallery (CRISIS: Creating Resilience In Social Isolation Solidarity)

A virtual collective art gallery in partnership with 350 Seattle for all in our community to participate in!

PROMPT: In response to COVID-19 and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we are launching an open call for artwork around the themes of our planet, mental health, rising pandemics, social justice, and wellness to be highlighted in this virtual, collective art gallery.


Art can heal and art can bring us together while we are apart in this era of physical distancing. We are accepting drawings, music recordings, paintings, animations, graphics, poetry, spoken word, photography, video performances, etc to be in our online gallery of community creations during this unprecedented time in history. The website will be going live on Earth Day, April 22nd. Feel free to post your creations on your social medias with the hashtag #CRISISArt - this is also what we will be tagging our posts about the website, updates, and winners!

Let your creativity be celebrated, seen, heard, celebrated, loved, and act as a compass guiding us out of this storm.

Join us in this historic moment by submitting your art work to as soon as you can to be included in the gallery for our launch on Earth Day, April 22nd!

Make sure you include with submissions:

1: High quality image/video/audio of your artwork

2: Your Name (+ pronouns if comfortable)

3: A caption/story/statement to go with your work!

Submissions will continue to be accepted and added after Earth Week, although to be in the competition, you must submit by the end of Earth Week - Fri, April 24th! People can vote on their top favorites to show support for your community and celebrate our planet, our mother, our home. The top 5 winners will be featured in our social medias (and 350’s), get prints of their work, and a personal handmade gift from the SSA Club!