Earthships | Retrofit | Education

  • We created the Earthship Experience Organization in Portugal and Spain, together with Earthship US.

  • Supported by the 6 fundamental Principles of Bioarchitecture, we have the know-how to respond to requests from People who want to have a Housing that allows them to greatly reduce their accounts payable at the end of the month.

  • We develop Passive Buildings built with very efficient Recycled Materials.

  • From the Permits / Licenses, the Drawings and also the Construction we can give support in all the Phases of the Project.

  • We help in the Creation of Your Dream Project.

  • Giving People Knowledge to do for yourself is one of our Missions.

  • We develop Courses and Workshops in Bio Construction.

Our Services:

Sustainable Construction - Project, Licensing, Construction, Training in Sustainability, Renewable Energies, Rainwater Reuse, Wastewater Treatment, Organic Food Production.

Our Mission:

Develop a concept of Sustainability every day, working with all age groups, especially Children, so that the Future can effectively be Greener.

Our Contacts:

Eng. Mário Roriz - Tlm: +351 968 314 029 | eMail:


Eng. Mário Roriz (righ.) with the founder Arq. Michael Reynolds (cent.), on an international mission.

Earthship Experience - Portugal | Spain

Earthship US