Visit any place in True 3D and feel as if you were actually there with the Highest Street View Quality In Virtual Reality.  🌍


Features ?

After implementing user suggestions with updates releasing at least twice a week for almost a year, EarthQuest's Top Features are:

1. 3D Coverage Everywhere:

2. Street View:

3. AI Integration: The AI companion can:

4. Realistic Graphics and Best Possible Performance:

5. Natural Hand Tracking:

(Street View Mode has a dedicated button instead of a controller portal / toggle)

6. Play Modes:

7. Google Maps Integration:

8. Customizable Flight Controls:

9. Terrain Quality:

10. User Interface Design:


And 100s of other useful features made to enhance the experience in every possible scenario.

How is it better than the PCVR title ?

After being in constant development and publishing weekly updates ( or most of the time daily ) for over a year now,

The community and I didn't think there was a better traveling experience for VR than the official Google Earth VR for VR-Compatible PC devices.

So, it’s obvious that we compared EarthQuest to it.

Now you might not take my word for it and can’t take the buyer’s word for it without joining the community and seeing it for yourself either.

So, you might be asking, how exactly is standalone EarthQuest better than the official title that’s been “the best” for years?

Well, the simplest explanation is, think of it as the same exact app ( with the same exact functionality and quality ), but also having:

If you still have doubts about this community statement, you should try and give me and others your honest opinion on:



Any Other Questions ?

Join the passionate developer in the kind community:


Setup needed to play ?

NO !

The confusion started long ago,

EarthQuest doesn't require any kind of setup.