Earth Class Schedule & Goals

Learning Goals

1st and 2nd grade

Math - Oak Meadow + Other Resources

1st grade: basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; writing basic equations in vertical format; skip counting by 2, 3, 5, and 10; ordinal numbers and calendars; missing numbers and sequencing; mental math; solving a problem in multiple ways; understanding story problems; reading digital clocks; money; number bonds.

2nd grade: review of everything above + place value; multiple-digit addition ('carrying the one'); reading analog clocks; number bonds to 20; introduction to multiplication through 10.

Literacy - Oak Meadow, Handwriting Without Tears, + Other Resources

1st grade: writing and identifying upper and lowercase letters A-Z; letter sounds; long and short vowel sounds; comprehension of oral stories; making predictions and giving summaries of a story; reading phonetically spelled 3-letter words; sight words; rhyming words and alliteration; consonant blends; handwriting - accurately copying letters and words. 

2nd grade: review of above + reading independently; ability to read own writing; writing words with phonetic spelling (not necessarily correct spelling); word families; beginning spelling rules (y --> i); vowel combinations; increased writing output.

Earth Class Daily Routine

Winter/Spring 2023

Below is a rough guide to our daily routine. Our aim is always to flow with the academic and social/emotional needs and interests of the students.

9:00-9:30 - Arrival/ Morning Workbooks

9:30-10:00 - Morning Circle Time 

10:00-10:15 - Unstructured play/ restroom/ snack

10:15-11:00 - Academic work stations (literacy-focus)

11-11:15 - Break/ Lunch

11:15-12:00 - Math and/or Writing Lessons

12-12:15 - Transition to hike: Gear check, restroom, and voting/consensus

12:15-1:30 - Adventure time!

(Includes lunch, unstructured play, and lessons and games or Nature Journaling, depending)

1:30-1:45 - Hike back to shelter

1:45-2:00 - Closing Circle

Teacher Schedule

Mondays - Ms. Victoria with Ms. Lucy

Tuesdays - Ms. Erin with Ms. Victoria

Wednesdays - Ms. Erin with Ms. Victoria

Thursdays - Ms. Erin with Ms. Natalie

Academic Goals in Action - 1st and 2nd Grade


Daily work involves writing words and letters, but students also have Handwriting Without Tears, a workbook offering focused practice creating legible writing.

Independent Reading

 Students have a chance each week to practice reading to themselves. They are encouraged to choose 1-2 books at their current reading level to keep in their totes for this independent learning. 

Nature Journaling

In January, the Earthworms started Nature Journaling, an observantion-based practice that incororpates the coordination of scientific observations of nature, learning to record data, and then asking questions of wonder.

Project-based Learning

Our first big project is the Northwest Animals Project! Students are learning so many new things - how to find information in a book, how to use a Table of Contents and Index, take notes, and compile information in an organized way.

Number Sense

Students have many opportunities to work on their math skills at their own pace.


Every student is mastering the next skill in learning to read. On Wednesdays, students break into groups of 2-4 and have guided literacy and phonics practice with Ms. Erin.


Beginning and end sounds, consonant blends, long and short vowel sounds, rhyming words... Each week each student is building on their understanding of letter sounds and cultivating a love of reading.

Read Alouds 

Once a week, students listen to a teacher read a story aloud. Students are encouraged to draw and write in their journals while they listen. This aids in making connections and  synthesizing what they have learned.

Enrichment Opportunities

Block letter art with Ms. Diana. Art projects with Ms. Diana have been an awesome addition to our weekly routine!

During enrichment opportunities, students can follow their own interests. Ms. Erin and Ms. Diana have been guiding your children to learn how to knit!

Students are encouraged to tell their teachers what they are excited to learn about. Some students have chosen to learn cursive writing!

Carving with Ms. Victoria every Monday and Tuesday! Students love getting to use real knives and learn all the relevant outdoor skills.

Social & Emotional Growth


All the Earth kids are exploring new friendships and growing existing ones. At this age, they are discovering more nuanced feelings and needs and learning how to express themselves so that we can all get along.


Students get lots of opportunities to work together. The teachers are their guide, ensuring the safety of all while making space for ideas to flourish and spread without adult assistance.


"We were sitting in the muddy water to clean the mud off... We almost got some water in our boots cuz we were touching our boots to the water." - These kids know how to stay warm and dry! They are learning to take care of their own bodies!


We used to vote democratically for our adventure destination... Until we learned the idea of consensus! Now, each day, your children discuss and listen and negotiate so that everyone feels heard and all have a say in the day's outing.

Unstructured Play

Below is a snapshot of the wondrous collaborative play that can only flourish when an adult is the guide rather than the "leader."


This seaweed was catnip during this collaborative game. Here is a student "stealing some of the catnip." This game involved close to 20 students - the Earth Kids joined forces with the Air Class for this game.  

Cultivating bravery on one's own terms... 

Students at our Forest School are encouraged to listen to their own bodies - Teachers ask questions that foster self-awareness and growth, such as, "How do you feel? How can you jump and stay safe?"


These Earth kids needed to venture to unknown territory on this day in February... And they discovered the remnants of some kind of metal boat. "It's a sunken ship!" "It's a submarine!" Lots of guesses and curiosity and observations!