Our planet. Our people. Our stories.

At Earth Aware Toastmasters, we practice the art of communication, leadership and public speaking in a learn-by-doing environment that allows us to achieve our goals at our own pace and in a supportive atmosphere. Our members and guests come together to make our meetings fun, welcoming and memorable for all, as we share stories of the Earth, its people and our human experiences.

Past member and TEDx Stanley Park speaker Melissa H. delivering her argument during our special DEBATE event on genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)
Current member David S. delivering his "Icebreaker" speech, sharing the story of who he is and what brought him to Earth Aware Toastmasters

We understand that it takes the right environment to take a chance and grow as a person. We value the journey to becoming a great speaker and provide fun, friendly spaces for all aspiring speakers to find and hone their unique voices.

Being "Earth Aware" means that we reflect upon and share what we think and feel about our planet Earth, all of its people and their stories, and our everyday human experiences. This foundation is what makes our meetings open, relatable and fun.

Through diverse speech topics, constructive speech feedback and opportunities to get to know each other, our goal is to guide you on your journey to becoming the most confident, empowered speaker you can be.

Members engaging in a team activity on the importance of constructive feedback, as hosted by one of two chairpersons of the meeting, Anthony D.S.
Participants of the Earth Aware Toastmasters' Evaluation Speech Contest earning certificates for their participation (held March, 2018)