What I have done. I have created a 3D earth from the Realistic 3D earth tutorial from Blender Guru. I have done an after effects earth zoom before in AE years ago, but the reason I do not like it because it looks so cheap and bad. Now I can do it much better using Blender and drone videos I have taken from very high elevation.

I have set the focal point to 250mm, clip start to 0.001 and end to 250000m. I wanted to do a short animation from a far where the planet is small and to where its bigger. But I cannot zoom in or out sometimes even though the camera is not locked to any view, and I have to open another 3D viewport because one gets bugged all the time. It is frustrating!

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This is what I did and it used to work, but not anymore. I get into perspective mode. Zoom out to see small earth. I press ctrl - alt - 0 to lock the camera to that view. Then I press i and choose visual location to my time line. I proceed in perspective mode to a closer view and set camera to ctrl - alt - 0 and choose visual location. Somehow it does not work at all. The camera is not listening to my commands many times. It feels like im going insane. This has never happened to me before, but I have never tried doing an animation or zooming to objects from a far.

Just wanted to say I fixed this problem I had. I did not know you had to only press ctrl - alt - 0 once. Then you can zoom and keyframe the animation. I thought you had to do it each time you changed position. This confused me lol.

Its getting quite tedious to see the zoom and pan effect when moving to a new location. I get it, we live on planet earth, its a round planet, but I just want to fast move between the places im viewing when typing in an adress.

this is very weird.I open google earth and search for "athens, greece" for example, and even though it will through a pin on top of the correct location, the google earth globe will turn and zoom in towards a location in the sahara desert!

I'm trying to zoom in on an area where it looks okay zoomed out, but is covered in imagery from winter when zoomed in. Only zoomed in where I need to be can I not tell the difference between a lake and a swamp. Since the project has to do with where bodies of water are, this is a problem.

Zoom in to an area and keep on eye on the bottom left of the screen, in the status bar. When you have zoomed in past a certain point, you should see a clock icon with a green arrow, next to a date in the past.

P.S. WARNING: Do not use the above formula in google earth engine, maps, or in some other place. When compared with the method provided in the answer, i.e. getScale(), it gives different results. Not only that there's a difference between the formula above and getScale(), but the difference is not constant. This means that not only the initial constant is wrong, but also the rest of the formula. The differences changes independently both with zoom level, and with latitude.

I've tested this in Civil 3D 2017 up to 2020. I'm not sure if it's an issue with Civil 3D or Google Earth, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to begin here first. Using the EXPORTKML command, so long as the drawing contained an coordinate system, when I double-clicked the KMZ file that was created it would automatically open Google Earth and zoom to the site. Now, I have to take an extra step and double click on the model folder to find the site. Has anyone experienced this or know of a solution? Take a look at this Screencast for clarification:

Agreed, the export to KMZ can appear to be unconnected to your site. While there may have been an automatic zoom-in function in previous versions, it's not that way now. To make your new KMZ zoom-in to your site, try this:

You can also manipulate your view of the earth by tilting the terrain for perspectives other than a top-down view. Finally, you can reset the default view for a north-up, top-down view wherever you are.

To get started navigating with your mouse, simply position the cursor in the middle of the 3D viewer (image of the earth), click one of the buttons (right or left), move the mouse and note what happens in the viewer. Depending upon which mouse button you press, the cursor changes shape to indicate a change in behavior. By moving the mouse while pressing one of the buttons, you can:

Hi, I saw a swiss001 video and I saw how he was able to zoom out so far that he could see the earth. I thought that was really cool and wanted to know how he did it. Is it a plugin or some sort of setting? And one more question, is there any way to move around the cockpit/plane faster by using the arrow keys, full stop and comma?

Google Earth was inspired by a flipbook—Charles and Ray Eames' book, Powers of Ten. When designing the software, the Google Earth team decided they would start in outer space with a view of the entire globe, and then zoom in closer and closer.

To achieve full-globe coverage from such a wide range of vantage points, Google Earth pulls in imagery from many different data sources and dates, and patches them together into a mosaic. The images you see in Google Earth come from satellites, airplanes, hot air balloons, and even kites. You can find out where the imagery comes from by looking at the copyright information along the bottom of the Google Earth window. You must have a live Internet connection while using Google Earth. As you move around and zoom in and out, new images are streamed (downloaded to your computer on the fly) from Google's servers.

Mouse-based navigation in Google Earth also includes a throw feature—if you release a mouse button while the mouse is still moving, the map will keep zooming, rotating, or moving in that direction until you click. The faster your mouse is moving when you release the button, the faster the map will move. It takes some practice, but it's fun—give it a try now! If you get lost and can't find the canyon again, double-click the Grand Canyon entry in the Places Panel.

You can use an animation library like GSAP to perform the camera animation. If you move the camera closer to the planet, you will automatically achieve a zoom effect (this technique is called dollying). Simple live example:

A large asteroid will safely zoom between Earth and the Moon on Saturday, a once-in-a-decade event that will be used as a training exercise for planetary defense efforts, according to the European Space Agency.

A large asteroid will safely zoom between Earth and the Moon on Saturday, a once-in-a-decade event that will be used as a training exercise for planetary defence efforts, according to the European Space Agency.

NASA said Wednesday that this newly discovered asteroid will zoom 2,200 miles above the southern tip of South America. That's 10 times closer than the bevy of communication satellites circling overhead.

Search. The program allows entering the geographic location and hovering the mouse to zoom. Some satellite data offered by the provider may be decades old. You can also see a 2D and 3D representation of Earth for free.

Analysis. The provider offers no specific features for analysis apart from sorting out map labels, live and daily satellites, daily fire spots, or storm tracks. There is an option to measure area and distance and zoom to the center, as well as to pass to your location, all for free.

The product is designated to help rescue missions manage disasters and respond to emergencies. It is a reputable provider of free information on natural calamities like hurricanes, typhoons, wildfires, floods, explosions, and earthquakes, with brief descriptions and photos.

The Maps Static API returns an image (either GIF, PNG or JPEG) inresponse to an HTTP request via a URL. For each request, you can specify thelocation of the map, the size of the image, the zoom level, the type of map,and the placement of optional markers at locations on the map. You canadditionally label your markers using alphanumeric characters.

Latitude and longitude values must correspond to a valid location on theface of the earth. Latitudes can take any value between -90 and90 while longitude values can take any value between-180 and 180. If you specify an invalid latitude orlongitude value, your request will be rejected as a bad request.

Maps on Google Maps have an integer 'zoom level' which defines theresolution of the current view. Zoom levels between 0 (the lowestzoom level, in which the entire world can be seen on one map) and21+ (down to streets and individual buildings) are possiblewithin the default roadmap view. Building outlines, whereavailable, appear on the map around zoom level 17. This valuediffers from area to area and can change over time as the data evolves.

Google Maps sets zoom level 0 to encompass the entire earth.Each succeeding zoom level doubles the precision in both horizontal andvertical dimensions. More information on how this is done is available in theGoogle Maps JavaScript API documentation.

The location parameters define the marker's location on the map. If thelocation is off the map, that marker will not appear in the constructed imageprovided that center and zoom parameters aresupplied. However, if these parameters are not supplied, the Maps Static API serverwill automatically construct an image which contains the supplied markers.(See Implicit positioning.)

Images may specify a viewport by specifying visible locations usingthe visible parameter. The visible parameterinstructs the Maps Static API service to construct a map such that the existinglocations remain visible. (This parameter may be combined with existingmarkers or paths to define a visible region as well.) Defining a viewport inthis manner obviates the need to specify an exact zoom level.

Normally, you need to specify center and zoom URLparameters to define the location and zoom level of your generated map.However, if you supply markers, path, orvisible parameters, you can instead let the Maps Static APIdetermine the correct center and zoom level implicitly, based on evaluation ofthe position of these elements. 006ab0faaa

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