On the right side of the map you could view more data on your maps like labels, streetview, earthquakes, photos by Flickr and news on the map by Reuters. 

It was great explorer tool with the red icons for cafes, museums, shoping and more type of places. You could zoom in to a place and select an icon. The maps would display all type of places in the area. Clicking on one of the places and you will get more information about it. You can still try The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Google Places is used to display the places information.

The World in Real-Time global map utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to provide a live satellite view of select data from geostationary and polar-orbiting NOAA satellites and partner satellites of the Earth from space.

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We have views over the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and these are updated every 15 minutes as new imagery is received. All times are in UTC and there is a 30 minute delay due to the time taken to process each image and add it to the stream.

I put a place marker onto google earth but I want to be able to skip the step of having to put the pegman there in order to go to street view.I'd like to be able to just double click my marker and then be taken into street view from there. Thank you in advance!

First create your placemark, then use the Pegman tool to fly in to StreetView and set your desired view (location, view direction, etc.). Next, find your placemark in the list view (in the Places panel on the left), right-click the placemark, and select "Snapshot View". Now, the current view is saved as the default view for the placemark.

You can test it by flying out of street view to some other location, then double-click your placemark (on the map or in the Places panel), and it should fly you directly back to your saved view in Street View.

Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML language focused on geographic visualization, including annotation of maps and images. KML files can be viewed with several software programs including ArcGIS Explorer and Google Earth*.

Google Earth allows you to travel the world through a virtual globe and view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, and much more. With Google Earth's rich, geographical content, you are able to experience a more realistic view of the world. Google Earth acquires the best imagery...

#390 shows Sapporo and Cape Kamui on the South-Western part of Hokkaido Island; Muroran just falls off the bottom of the image. The view is in normal orientation (North is forward, West is to the left.).

Google Earth is a popular Internet application through which users can view maps. This web site provides zipped Keyhole Markup Language (.kmz) files through which users can view map overlays created from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer on Google Earth images.

"Stay Dry" is a focused application that provides basic flood hazard map information from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer for an address. It allows you to view flood hazard zones and Flood Insurance Rate Map numbers and boundaries.

The name of each layer is hyperlinked to a description of the layer, the map symbols used for the layer, and links to other FEMA web sites relevant to the layer. If a layer is turned on, clicking the text below the name of the layer (text that starts with "Draws at") zooms the Google Earth view to a sample display of the layer. Layers are organized for display at one or more of three "eye altitude" (map scale) ranges in Google Earth: status maps at high altitudes, regional overviews of flood hazards at medium altitudes, and detailed flood hazard maps at low altitudes. Click on the hyperlinked folder name of the application to see the altitudes at which data in the layers are displayed.

There is a default lag of 4 seconds built into the KMZ so that each movement/pan of the service does not immediately send a request to the GIS infrastructure and create more map requests that increases the lag on the entire system. Pan/Zoom to the exact location of interest and view the data when the page loads. Once the infrastructure is at full capacity, we will look into revising the KMZs to reduce the default lag time.

Our peer-reviewed reports present the evidence-based consensus of committees of experts. Published proceedings record the presentations and discussions that take place at hundreds of conferences, workshops, symposia, forums, roundtables, and other gatherings every year. And, our prestigious journals publish the latest scientific findings on a wide range of topics.

Imagine trying to describe an airplane ride to someone who has never flown. An articulate traveler could describe the sights but would find it much harder to explain the difference in perspective provided by the new view from a greater distance, along with the feelings, impressions, and insights that go with that new perspective. And the difference is enormous: Space flight moves the traveler another giant step farther away. Eight and one-half thunderous minutes after launch, an astronaut is orbiting high above the Earth, suddenly able to watch typhoons form, volcanoes smolder, and meteors streak through the atmosphere below.

Mountain ranges, volcanoes, and river deltas appeared in salt-and-flour relief, all leading me to assume the role of a novice geologist. In such moments, it was easy to imagine the dynamic upheavals that created jutting mountain ranges and the internal wrenchings that created rifts and seas. I also became an instant believer in plate tectonics; India really is crashing into Asia, and Saudi Arabia and Egypt really are pulling apart, making the Red Sea wider. Even though their respective motion is really no more than mere inches a year, the view from overhead makes theory come alive.

So, whether Christians believe in Neo-Darwinian evolution, or they believe that God supernaturally created different kinds of plants and animals occasionally during the course of millions of years, they are still adopting an evolutionary view of death when they accept millions of years.

If the day-age view or framework hypothesis or any other old-earth view is true, then what kind of God is it who would create the earth instantly and then leave it covered with water for millions of years and then create dry land and plants and let them produce for millions of years before He made the sun? And what kind of God would make the sun, moon, and stars with the purpose of enabling man to measure the passage of time, but then wait billions of years before He made man to measure time periods? That makes God out to be quite foolish.

Or if we reject the order of events in Genesis 1 and say that the evolutionary order of appearance of the different creatures and the time-scale are correct, we have other theological problems. What kind of God would create the earth 4.5 billion years ago and let it exist for one billion years before He made the first microscopic creatures (protozoans31) and then wait another 2.875 billion years before He made the first metazoans32 and then waited another 625 million years before He made Adam, who was the ultimate goal of His creation and was made to rule over all the animals, most of whom lived and died before Adam was created?33 This is a bizarre, wasteful God, and nothing like the wise and omnipotent Creator revealed in Scripture.

This point has not escaped the notice of non-Christians. The evolutionist philosopher, David Hull, is one of many who could be cited. He remarks on the implications of Darwinian evolution for the nature of God, but his comments equally apply to all old-earth views, even if we reject Darwinism as the explanation for the origin of the various forms of life. Hull reasons:

This time of better Mars viewing opportunities can coincide with opposition, when Mars is directly on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. This lineup happens about every two years. This is usually when Mars is at its brightest, so go out and take a look!

When Mars and Earth are close to each other, Mars appears very bright in our sky. It is also easier to see with telescopes or the naked eye. The Red Planet comes close enough for exceptional viewing only once or twice every 15 or 17 years.

Visualize data on a 3D globe for situational awareness. Display KML/KMZ and other data; measure models, shapes, and distances; create an elevation profile; and conduct an interactive line of sight and viewshed analysis to plan operations. Use symbology for stronger graphic presentation.

The people who make up the Earth Institute are earth scientists, economists, business and policy experts, specialists in public health and law, researchers, teachers and students. The institute comprises more than two dozen research centers and several hundred people who collaborate across many disciplines and schools at the university.

When most people hear the word "creationism," they probably think of the variety called Young Earth Creationism (YEC). Young Earth Creationists adopt a method of Biblical interpretation which requires that the earth be no more than 10,000 years old, and that the six days of creation described in Genesis each lasted for 24 hours. Young Earth Creationists believe that the origin of the earth, the universe, and various forms of life, etc., are all instances of special creation. The doctrine of special creation involves direct divine intervention, suspending the laws of nature to achieve a given result. This doctrine contrasts with a view common among theistic evolutionists that God can work through natural laws.

YEC writings tend to focus on attempting to explain why much of modern science cannot be correct. For example, Young Earth Creationists spend considerable effort trying to explain why the earth cannot be 4.5 billion years old. They also make arguments for the feasibility of Noah's ark and for the occurrence of a single worldwide flood within the last 5,000 years. A major YEC endeavor is to explain how the 15 million or more species alive today could have evolved from a much smaller number of "kinds" which they believe were created in Genesis. This project is sometimes referred to as baraminology, named after the Hebrew word min, which is traditionally translated as "after its kind," in passages like "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after its kind." A central tenet of Young Earth Creationism is that evolution is possible only within these created kinds, a form of evolution they call microevolution, while it is not possible between kinds, which they distinguish as macroevolution. This is not the way those terms are used by the scientific community. 2351a5e196

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