
Electronic Auditory Research Seminars 2020-2023

Seminars are free and hosted on Zoom: https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/95396120820 (Meeting ID: 953 9612 0820)

Organizing committee: 

Dr. Nathan Vogler, Dr. Alexandria Lesicko, Dr. Jean-Hugues Lestang, Dr. Huaizhen Cai, Dr. Steven Eliades, Dr. Stephen David, Dr. Yale Cohen and Dr. Maria Geffen


EARS website has migrated to : https://www.med.upenn.edu/pennhearing/ears.html

Please see this website for up-to-date information!!!

E.A.R.S. has migrated to Zoom! To attend upcoming seminars, please use the following link: https://pennmedicine.zoom.us/j/95396120820

Meeting ID: 953 9612 0820

For updates and reminders about future seminars, please subscribe to our mail list by emailing: ears2022+subscribe@googlegroups.com or visiting the following the link: https://groups.google.com/g/ears2022


Fall 2023

Stay tuned for announcements!


Please watch our previous seminars by clicking on the date(s) below

Spring 2023

01/17/2023 Qiaojie Xiong (Stony Brook University): "Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway regulates auditory behaviors"

  Emily Dennis (Janelia Research Campus): "How do mice hunt for sounds?"

02/21/2023 Sam Norman-Haignere (University of Rochester): "Neural integration in the human auditory cortex"

Ross Williamson (University of Pittsburgh): "Brain-wide neural circuits for sensory-guided behavior"

03/14/2023 Professional Development session: Academic publishing: behind-the-scenes tips for managing peer reviews and data.

Panelists (CLICK name for resources & slides): Catherine Carr (UMD), Dan Sanes (NYU), Stephen David (OHSU)

04/18/2023 Trainee talks:

Adrian Bondy (Princeton University): “Striatal circuits for auditory decisions

Audrey Drotos (University of Michigan): “GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors enhance temporal summation in VIP neurons in the inferior colliculus

Chenggang Chen (Johns Hopkins University): “Stimulus-Specific Facilitation and Adaptation to Repetitive Stimuli in Auditory Cortex

Erika Correll (University of Massachusetts Amherst): “Filtering the Noise: The Inhibitory Contribution of Pedunculotegmental GABAergic Neurons During Sensorimotor Gating

Alexander Egea Weiss (The Francis Crick Institute): “Functional specificity of auditory inputs to the visual cortex

05/09/2023 Charles Anderson (West Virginia University): "Cell-type specific enhancement of deviance detection by synaptic zinc in mouse auditory cortex”

Dayo Adewole (University of Pennsylvania): "Tissue Engineering for Auditory Rehabilitation"

Fall 2022

09/13/2022 Lixia Gao (Zhejiang University): “Development of turn-taking during marmoset vocal communication”

  Amanda Lauer (Johns Hopkins University): "Role of the olivocochlear system in hearing across the lifespan"

10/11/2022 Karine Fenelon (University of Massachusetts Amherst): "Brainstem mechanisms modulating prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex"

  Malte Wöstmann (Universität zu Lübeck): "Behavioural and electrophysiological signatures of auditory distraction in time and space"

11/01/2022 Professional Development session: Conferencing 101 -- How to Navigate APAN/SFN

Maria Geffen and Yale Cohen (UPenn): Building an Itinerary

Merri Rosen (NEOMED): Networking

David Schneider (NYU): Poster Design

12/13/2022 Trainee talks:

Kameron Clayton (Mass. Eye & Ear, Harvard University): "Pumping the brakes: new approaches to reinvigorating hypoactive inhibitory circuits in   auditory cortex"

Carla Griffiths (University College London): "Neural correlates of perceptual constancy in the auditory cortex an effect of behavioural training"

Amy LeMessurier (New York University): "Corticofugal contributions to vocalization-guided maternal behavior"

John Orczyk (University of Pittsburgh): "The lifetime of an activity-silent neural correlate of echoic memory is closer to the behavioral ground truth   than the lifetime of an activity-based neural correlate"

Erica Shook (Columbia University): "Predictive dynamics improve noise robustness in a deep network model of the human auditory system"

Spring 2022

01/18/2022 Kerry Walker (University of Oxford): “Hearing in an acoustically varied world”

  Lizabeth Romanski (University of Rochester): “Investigation of Identity and Expression Processing in Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex”

02/15/2022 Ioana Carcea (Rutgers University): "Social transmission of behavioral responses to distress calls"

  Liberty Hamilton (University of Texas at Austin): "A parallel pathway for speech that bypasses primary auditory cortex"

03/22/2022 Trainee talks:

Kelsey Anbuhl (New York University): "An adolescent sensitive period to transient hearing loss"

Yaneri A. Ayala (National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)): "Neural activation in the auditory cortices of the nonhuman primate during movement synchronization to auditory metronomes"

Allen Chen (Stony Brook University): "Nigrostriatal dopamine pathway regulates auditory discrimination behavior"

Katarina Poole (University College London): "Behavioural and neural measures of regularity detection in ferrets"

Nathan A. Schneider (University of Pittsburgh): "Extratelencephalic contributions to auditory-guided behavior"

04/19/2022 Demystifying the BRAIN Initiative® Program: Guidance to Potential NIDCD Applicants. :

Organizers: Dr. Merav Sabri (NIH), Dr. Amy Poremba (NIH); Dr. Maria Geffen (Penn); Dr. Dan Sanes (NYU)

Presenters: Dr. Andrea Beckel-Mitchener (NIH); Dr. Jim Gnadt (NIH); Dr. Karen David (NIH); Dr. Maria Geffen (University of Pennsylvania), Dr. Stephen David (OHSU), Dr. Dmitry Rinberg (New York University)

05/10/2022 Diego Elgueda (University of Chile): "Sound and behavioral meaning encoding in the auditory cortex"

  Narayan Sankaran (University of California San Francisco): "Intracranial recordings reveal the encoding of melody in the human superior temporal gyrus"

Fall 2021

09/14/2021 David Schneider (New York University): "Motor-related expectation drives predictive processing in mouse auditory cortex"

10/12/2021 Laurel Carney (University of Rochester): "Neural Representations of Stimulus Envelopes: What’s Inside?"

  Aravind Parthasarathy (University of Pittsburgh): "A cross-species approach for studying markers and mechanisms of speech intelligibility"

11/30/2021 Hiroyuki Kato (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): "Cortical area-specific roles in spectro-temporal integration"

  Mitchell Sutter (University of California, Davis): "Task Dependence of Attentional Modulation of Auditory Cortical Coding"

12/14/2021 Trainee talks:

Xindong Song (Johns Hopkins University): "Discrete patches of cortical pitch processing in the common marmoset"

Alejandro Tabas (Technische Universität Dresden): "Prediction error is computed with respect to two concurrent generative models in the human auditory pathway"

Silvana Valtcheva (NYU School of Medicine): "Neural circuitry for maternal oxytocin release induced by infant vocalizations"

Spring 2021

01/26/2021 Antje Ihlefeld (New Jersey Institute of Technology): "Strategies for listening in the dips"

  Srivatsun Sadagopan (University of Pittsburgh): "Probing cortical mechanisms supporting vocalization recognition-in-noise"

02/23/2021 Jennifer Resnik (Ben Gurion University): "Distinct forms of cortical plasticity underlie difficulties to reliably detect sounds in noisy environments"

  Julio Hechavarria (Goethe University): "Acoustic context modulates natural sound discrimination in the auditory cortex through frequency specific adaptation" 

03/16/2021 Trainee talks:
Alice Burghard (UConn Health): "Long-duration sound evoked afterdischarge – just some neurons that have missed their stop cue?"
Mateo Lopez-Espejo (Oregon Health and Science University): "Temporal integration and contextual discrimination in neuronal populations of the auditory cortex"
Chase Mackey (Vanderbilt University): "Hierarchical characterization of temporal integration in the subcortical auditory system of rhesus macaques"
Alice Milne (University College London): "Sustained pupil responses are modulated by predictability of auditory sequences"
Nihaad Paraouty (New York University): "Social learning enhances stimulus representations in the auditory cortex"
Magdalena Solyga (Basel University): "Emergence and function of cortical offset responses in sound termination detection"

04/13/2021 Livia de Hoz (Charité - Medical University Berlin): "Independent processing of sound features in mice"

  Hysell Oviedo (City University of New York): "Interrogating circuits to decode speech"

05/11/2021 Trainee talks:

Nicholas Audette (New York University): “Movement-based predictions in mouse auditory cortex”

Jung Ho Hyun (Johns Hopkins University): “Demystifying cognitive flexibility at cellular resolution”

Leena Ali Ibrahim (Harvard Medical School): “Developmental dynamics of input integration onto L1 cortical interneurons”

Elena Rotondo (Rutgers University): “Promoting the formation of auditory memories for specific temporal features of sound using epigenetic regulators”

Aaron Williams (University of Pennsylvania): “Sound improves neural encoding of visual stimulus in mouse V1”

Justin Yao (New York University): “Auditory evidence accumulation in parietal cortex”

Fall 2020

09/29/2020 Michele Insanally (University of Pittsburgh): "Neuronal dynamics of non-classically responsive cortical neurons" 

  Nikolas Francis (University of Maryland): "Decision-making modulates neuronal responsiveness and functional connectivity in primary auditory cortex"

10/13/2020 Stephen Town (UCL): "Knowing your place: behavior, neurophysiology and modelling of world-centered sound localization"

  Merri Rosen (NEOMED): "Hearing loss and stress during development: Perceptual deficits and central auditory correlates"

11/17/2020 Melissa Caras (University of Maryland): “Contributions of top-down circuits to perceptual learning”

  Anne Takesian (Harvard University): "Diverse layer 1 circuits gating auditory cortical plasticity"

12/08/2020 Kishore Kuchibhotla (Johns Hopkins University): "Behavioral and neural correlates of latent knowledge during sensorimotor learning"

  Santiago Jaramillo (University of Oregon): "Spectral surround suppression in the auditory cortex: roles and mechanisms"