Mission Agriculture

After the founding of the Santa Cruz Mission in September 1791, twenty-five fanegas of wheat, given by the Santa Clara mission, were planted on the flat land to the north still known as Potrero.

Three years after founding, in autumn 1794, the Santa Cruz Mission harvested 1200 fanegas of wheat, 600 of corn, 60 of bean, and some lentils.

Nine years after founding,in 1800, the Santa Cruz Mission had more than 4,000 head of livestock.

By 1820 the mission's herds were grazing as far north as Punto Ano Nuevo and as far south as Corralitos.

Media Fanega

A fanega is an old Spanish unit of dry measure of about 55 liters (about 1.8 bushels).

For easy of handling, the missions often used a smaller box known as a media fanega (or a half fanega). It is made of milled pine and enforced with metal strips, and has a leather handle. The slanted side made for easier pouring. This media fanega at 2,428.3 cubic inches.