Healthy MInds Surveys are here!
Surveys will be handed out and collected next week at the drop-off and pickup lines. Alternatively, you can print out the Survey here, fill it out and drop it off at school in a box in the office. We have info from school assessments on what students have expressed as their needs, but preliminary info shows that parents see different needs for their students and families. Parents: Please answer the survey and return it to school or complete the online questionnaire when it becomes available and let us know what concerns to address with our Program.
upcoming Safety Event
In support of our Healthy Minds Programming, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force member and retired police officer Joe Dugan will be coming to speak at Wood on March 20th at 6:30 pm on Internet, gaming, and social media safety, best practices, parenting, etc.
This talk is open for all parents and middle school-aged students and older. It would not be appropriate content for younger children.
Stay in the loop!
Subscribe to the Wood PTAlist server to keep up to date with all things Wood. Just email eWood+subscribe@groups.io and you will be added.
We also make frequent updates to the PTA website. Check it out for all of the information you need, including calendars and Zoom links for meetings.
Board of Directors
President: Keya Sau
Vice President: Heather Ruzmetov
Secretary: Ade Hutapea
Treasurer: Carlota Cox
MCCPTA Delegate: Erika Hutko
Membership Chair: Trisha Armstrong
Fundraising Co-Chairs: Ginny Suitor & Renee Stake
Staff Appreciation Chair: Beth Davis
Spirit Wear Chair: Sapna Kirkpatrick
Book Fair Co-chairs: Selena Robleto & Winona Lennon
Paint Night Chair: Neha Bailey
LGTBQIA+ Chair: Maggie Davis
Silent Auction Chair: (Open)
Skate Night Chair: Renee Stake
PTA Representatives
NAACP Rep: Alysia Durant
Hispanic/Latino Parent Rep: (Open)
Special Education Rep: (Open)
8th Grade Rep: Anna Pfaff
7th Grade Rep: (Open)
6th Grade Rep: Sandalin Chishty
Calling all Volunteers
If you’re interested in helping out with middle school events this year or joining a parent group, we would love to hear from you. The more hands we have, the better we run, and giving the gift of your time is a great way to make an impact on your child’s success at Wood Middle School. Ready to pitch in? Simply click here to fill out a Google form to learn more about opportunities to get involved.
Continuing Zoom Links
PTA Meeting — 2nd Tuesday of Every Month at 7pm
Meeting ID: 840 4358 8312 Passcode: woodpta
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,84043588312#,,,,*3642538# US (Washington DC)
Latino Parent Committee Meeting — 1st Thursday of Every Month at 7pm
Meeting ID: 830 7882 8121 Passcode: woodparent
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,83078828121#,,,,*5693417764# US (Washington DC)
NAACP Meeting — 4th Tuesday of Every Month at 7pm
Meeting ID: 861 7540 6411 Passcode: wood
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,86175406411#,,,,*096561# US (Washington DC)